As grabbing info for Solaris agent from VBR using powershell is not possible [yet ?],
an easy and great enhancement for Unix minded guys would be to have field separator option
in veeamconfig to custom ouptuts (eg --SEPARATOR <PATTERN>)
It would allow easier string split and output scripting ...
root:/opt/veeam/bin# ./veeamconfig job list
Name ID Repository
SOL-TEST1 {6bdbf114-56af-4e59-ba48-d84525cee7c3} [srv01] Repo
root:/opt/veeam/bin# ./veeamconfig job list --separator ##
Name ## ID ## Repository
SOL-TEST1 ## {6bdbf114-56af-4e59-ba48-d84525cee7c3} ## [srv01] Repo
Makes sense to me. Though, my first concern here would be that awk might be treating both ## and spaces as separators leading to more confusion. @PTide, what do you think?