We found a problem on a backup agent job on centos6.10
Cloud you please check this error POSIX failed to read data from the file |/dev/veeamimage2]?
- veeamagent version v3.0.2.1185
- OS : cenetos 6.10
20:24:13 Preparing to backup
20:24:24 Creating volume snapshot 00:00:00
20:24:28 Starting full backup to [KVCC01-LAX10.VPLS.NET][7428 - manggliunx]Cloud repository 1
20:24:28 File system indexing is disabled
20:24:28 Backing up BIOS bootloader on /dev/sda 00:00:00
20:24:38 Backed up sda 13.9 GB at 89.1 MB/s 00:02:40
20:27:18 Backing up BIOS bootloader on /dev/sdb 00:00:00
20:34:23 [error] Backing up sdb 704.2 GB at 31.3 MB/s (77%) 06:24:07
02:58:37 (+1) [error] Failed to perform backup
02:58:37 (+1) [error] Input/output error
02:58:37 (+1) [error] POSIX: Failed to read data from the file [/dev/veeamimage2]
02:58:37 (+1) [error] Failed to upload disk
02:58:37 (+1) [error] Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}
02:58:37 (+1) [error] Exception from server: Input/output error
02:58:37 (+1) [error] POSIX: Failed to read data from the file [/dev/veeamimage2]
02:58:37 (+1) [error] Unable to retrieve next block transmission command. Number of already processed blocks: [729614]
02:58:37 (+1) [error] Failed to download disk
02:58:37 (+1) [error] Processing finished with errors at 2020-01-30 02:58:37 GMT
Could you tell a bit more about the machine you are trying to back up? Also, Hannes is asking for your support case, not one you found in another thread. If you didn't open one, we suggest to open a support case for help.
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