I am trying to run backup job on one of Debian 6 servers, but unfortunately it end up with "Unable to allocate memory" for some reason. Server has 16GB of memory installed, and about 14GBs are free, as well as there is a lot of disk space:
Code: Select all
[02.02.2017 16:04:29] <3013114736> vsnap | Writing snapshot file blocks (path: /veeamsnapshotdata.0, size: 21474836480) ok.
[02.02.2017 16:04:29] <3013114736> vsnap | Allocating new snapshot file (path: /veeamsnapshotdata.0, size: 21474836480) ok.
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> vsnap | Snapshot file successfully created with 'fiemap'
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> vsnap | Try to make snapshot data info for all devices on snapshot device 9:0.
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> vsnap | Checking common snapshot data file exist. Data host device [/dev/md0], file [/veeamsnapshotdata.0], size 21474836480. Failed.
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> lpbcore| Creating snapshot storage. Storage type: stretch file Failed.
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> lpbcore| Creating machine snapshot using VeeamSnap kernel module. Failed.
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> vsnap | Closing VeeamSnap control.
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> vsnap | Closing VeeamSnap control. ok.
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> lpbcore| ERR |Cannot allocate memory
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> lpbcore| >> |Failed to execute IOCTL_SNAPSHOT_COMMON_DATAINFO.
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> lpbcore| >> |--tr:SnapshotDataMakeCommonFile failed.
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> lpbcore| >> |--tr:CreateSnapshotStorageCommon failed.
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to create machine snapshot.
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Unable to create snapshot.
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to execute method [0] for class [N10lpbcorelib11interaction9proxystub21CResourcesServiceStubE].
[02.02.2017 16:04:31] <3013114736> lpbcore| >> |An exception was thrown from thread [3013114736].
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3013114736> | Closing socket device.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3013114736> lpbcore| Starting proxystub protocol dispatch loop. ok.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3013114736> | Closing socket device.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3013114736> | Thread finished. Role: 'peer'.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3029900144> lpbcore| Manager process [13554] has been shutdown.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3029900144> | Thread finished. Role: 'Manager process [13554] shutdown handler.'.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3049687920> lpbcore| Cleaning up resources for job process [13554].
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> lpbcore| ERR |Backup job has failed.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> lpbcore| >> |Cannot allocate memory
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> lpbcore| >> |Failed to execute IOCTL_SNAPSHOT_COMMON_DATAINFO.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> lpbcore| >> |--tr:SnapshotDataMakeCommonFile failed.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> lpbcore| >> |--tr:CreateSnapshotStorageCommon failed.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to create machine snapshot.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Unable to create snapshot.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to execute method [0] for class [N10lpbcorelib11interaction9proxystub21CResourcesServiceStubE].
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to create volume snapshot.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> lpbcore| >> |Backup job has failed.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> lpbcore| >> |An exception was thrown from thread [3013114736].
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> lpbcore| Retry is disabled. Attempts counter '3', isRetriable flag 'false'.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3021507440> | Thread finished. Role: 'backup job retry handler'.
[02.02.2017 16:04:34] <3038292848> | Closing socket device.
[02.02.2017 16:19:20] <3066473328> lpbcore| LpbCfgSession: Tcp loop. Failed.
[02.02.2017 16:19:20] <3066473328> lpbcore| ERR |LpbCfgSession failed.
[02.02.2017 16:19:20] <3066473328> lpbcore| >> |read: End of file
[02.02.2017 16:19:20] <3066473328> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Cannot read data from the socket. Requested data size: [4].
[02.02.2017 16:19:20] <3066473328> lpbcore| >> |An exception was thrown from thread [3066473328].
[02.02.2017 16:19:20] <3066473328> | Closing socket device.
[02.02.2017 16:19:20] <3066473328> | Thread finished. Role: '(async) LPBConfig session ('.
[02.02.2017 16:19:20] <3058080624> | Closing socket device.
[02.02.2017 16:19:20] <3058080624> lpbcore| Starting proxystub protocol dispatch loop. ok.
[02.02.2017 16:19:20] <3058080624> | Closing socket device.
[02.02.2017 16:19:20] <3058080624> | Thread finished. Role: 'peer'.