Since i've upgraded my VBR to veeam v12 and VAL v6 i have a different behavior while using the volume restore with VAL.
The volume level restore is no more possible from the VAL itself. It seems we need to use the veeam recovery iso to achieve that.
The file level restore (using the /mount) remains possible
Related Case # 07066151
We have 2 different platforms: PROD and TEST
1) On PROD, we perform a backup using VAL, it's stored in VBR repo since managed by a PROD VBR server.
2) i copy the PROD VBR repo backups to TEST VBR repo which is managed by another VBR server: the TEST VBR server.
3) I rescan the TEST VBR repo using the TEST VBR server
4) Then I tried to restore the PROD backup using a VAL ni standalone mode on TEST environnent.
The file level restore works properly but not the volume level restore doesn't see the restore point.
Here is the description of my process (that use to work)
I change from JOB mode to Standalone mode in order to be able to restore backups done from another VAL
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[root@TESTserver /]# veeamconfig mode reset
Operation mode has been set to Standalone.
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[root@TESTserver /]# veeam
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[root@TESTserver /]# veeamconfig backup list --all ## I can see my backups jobs
Job name Backup ID Repository Created at
Backup J1 - XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX {cacc3c23-c2db-4af9-8094-b79a95bf4144} Veeam Backup Repository 2024-01-30 15:40
Backup J2 - XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX {7c11cd28-875c-4d8e-a86c-477fb9df86fd} Veeam Backup Repository 2024-01-30 16:37
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[root@TESTserver /]# veeamconfig backup info --id cacc3c23-c2db-4af9-8094-b79a95bf4144
Repository ID {b332defc-0cac-41f8-a17a-5c071f52c3f5} was not found.
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[root@TESTserver ~]# veeamconfig backup info --id 2cc2bc95-eee6-4ac5-9a94-b94def39b39f
Job name OIB ID Type Created at Is corrupt
Backup J1 - XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX {ef8f845b-eba4-408c-9df2-a627fa2fb011} Full 2022-03-28 08:37 false
I've compared the output of veeamconfig backup info from /var/log/veeam/veeamconfig with the old VAL and the new VAL without noticing anything special
My question : does the V6 agent introduce some restrictions on the volume restore part when backups comes from another VBR server? or is it still supposed to work?