Previously i have added one of my linux physical server to veeam (veeam automatically installed agent on that) now i want add it to other veeam backup server I did follow steps :
1- ssh to linux server and run this command yum remove veeam
2- run this command yum remove veeam veeamsnap
now when i add this physical server to veeam and run job show follow error :
From the looks of it the agent isn’t installed. As you mention you have removed it via yum. Please follow the installation guide and re-install the agent on the server either manually or via VBR policy.
Personal blog:
you said install agent via VBR policy. now want to know while i create new backup job in the first it had to install agent automatically
Is that correct ? if is correct it could not install that and show previous error
now what do i had to do?
You will need to re-install the agent as mentioned. If u used the agent management feature on the VBR server, you can do the same and use the new VBR server to install the agent on the server.
Personal blog:
In order for the job to run successfully, there must be a backup agent present on the target host.
There are several ways to place a backup agent there:
1. Install it manually
2. Install it via adding the agent in a protection group and performing a rescan (is carried out automatically in accordance with "Discovery settings" on "Options" steps of the protection group settings), the group must have "Install backup agent automatically" checkbox enabled.
3. Add it to the job directly and make sure that "Manually added" group has "Install backup agent automatically" checkbox enabled.
If non of that works, please contact our support team directly and post your case ID.