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Veeam Legend
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Backup application throtling

Post by matteu »


1) I would like to know more about how to manage throtling on VBM365.
For Exchange, it's possible to disable it for 30 days + .
Is there something today for Sharepoint / Teams or not ?

2) More than 1 year ago, I know when throttling is present the recommendation was to add application account.
Today, is this advice still good or not ?

I don't find any "good" answer on the best practice guide : ... plications

I would like to know what would you recommend ? Have 10 application ? 20 ? What would you recommend based on user experience ?

I know the answer could be it depends and I should open a ticket but I would like something more general please at a starting point.

Veeam Software
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Full Name: Polina Vasileva

Re: Backup application throtling

Post by Polina »

Hi matteu,

1) SharePoint throttling limits are applied by specific rules based on user count in a tenant. They said that larger accounts can negotiate with Microsoft for a temporary release of these rules/limits, but there are no official confirmations.

2) The recommendation is still valid, as you can see in our Help Center. With applications, even distributing the load between a few of those (2-3) usually makes a difference. However, I'd strongly recommend you contact our support team and let them review your environment and provide more specific recommendations.

Veeam Legend
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Re: Backup application throtling

Post by matteu »

Thanks for your answer :)
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