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Full Name: Finn Busk Sørensen

Best practice backing up multiple tennants

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We are running into difficulties when backing up 365 for multiple customers.
Do we really need to have a seperate account on each customer tennant to make the backup and restores ?
Do you know about any Best Practices for this area ?

1. as a part of our business we do make 365 backup for multiple customers (and there by multiple domains).
2. so far it is primarily me doing this, which is also vulnerable so we want more people being able to do this.
3. when MFA is enabled, this seems to make it even more complicated.
4. the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 server is located by us and each customer is added as an "Organization"

Hope somebody has a "smart" solution for this.

Thanks :-)

Best regards
Finn Busk
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Full Name: Mark Boothman
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Re: Best practice backing up multiple tennants

Post by MarkBoothmaa »

The Best Practise site is probably well worth reading -
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