Hoping for some extra info on this note within the VBM365 helpcenter:
Link: https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/vbo36 ... ackup-copyData in backup copies has a different storage format as those created by backup jobs: blob files in backup copies are larger. Repacking of backed-up data is performed by either Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 backup proxy or an auxiliary archiver appliance that Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 can create in Microsoft Azure or Amazon EC2.
I understand on the surface, what is being said, but I’d like to know about the WHY behind this decision. Ultimately, Veeam must’ve had a reason as to why the files are larger. I can only assume to reduce the number of more expensive read API calls to archive storage.
It’d also be really helpful to have any insights on how this impacts storage consumption & network bandwidth for recoveries vs normal backups, such as archives are on average X-Y% larger and due to the file structure change, the recovery of items typically has an extra Z% overhead on network bandwidth.
Again, just unsure how much consolidation of files into a single blob may be happening now, detail is really light!
Any & all insights would be greatly appreciated so we know how best to approach this.