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Email notification - modern authentication

Post by mamosorre84 »

Hi all,

I am experiencing strange behavior when configuring email notification with modern auth on VBO 365 v7: redirect URI error

Error AADSTS50011 - The redirect URI <Redirect URI> specified in the request does not match the redirect URIs configured for the application <AppGUID>. Make sure the redirect URI sent in the request matches one added to your application in the Azure portal. Navigate to to learn more about how to fix this.

I added the address given in the error (http://localhost:30000/) on the azure portal as mentioned in the guide ... i-mismatch.

For Veeam Backup and Replication server it works without problems, while on VBO 365 I still have the error.

Am I doing something wrong? is there something different between the two software?


Marco S.
Mike Resseler
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Re: Email notification - modern authentication

Post by Mike Resseler »

To be honest, I am not 100 percent sure, but can you try to use http://localhost without the port? It's a guess I have. I also am not sure why there is a difference. If that doesn't work, please create a support case and let me know the case ID. That will help me to request information and see why there is a difference
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Re: Email notification - modern authentication

Post by mamosorre84 » 1 person likes this post

Hello Mike, I I confirm that the trick solved the problem..thanks for the tip!

EDIT: I should have read the documentation better -- > ... tml?ver=70
Mike Resseler
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Re: Email notification - modern authentication

Post by Mike Resseler »

Who reads the manuals anyway :-D

Glad it helped. Cheers!
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