We have a small local government customer with only five Office 365 Government G3 licenses. We are hosted on Microsoft Government servers. When trying to connect to our Organization through Veeam we are getting the following errors:
Check Exchange plan: No Exchange plan found.
Check SharePoint plan: No SharePoint plan found.
Everything else succeeds.
We are using Basic Authentication with a Global Administrator account. We are connecting to the Default location. I have configured Extended logging. I have also configured the permissions for said Global Administrator as per https://tsmith.co/2019/add-org-to-veeam ... h-and-mfa/.
We are aware of certain O365 "ID's" which we weren't informed about and therefore our checks fail on those. Please create a support call (even if you are using the community edition, you are entitled to support). Our DEV team is already on this. Let us know the support case ID and the outcome of the investigation of our engineers
I have the same problem for Education with Office 365 A1 and A3. The AccountSkuId is STANDARDWOFFPACK_FACULTY and the Sharepoint ServicePlan is SHAREPOINTWAC_EDU.
Is there any workaround?
Sorry to revive this thread. I am having a similar issue on a GCC environment and have my service plan ID's so I could add them but don't have a config.xml for some reason. Any idea's?
Hi Kyler,
First: Welcome to the forums
Second: You should have that config file, otherwise the solution won't even work to begin with. You looked at the C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup365 location?
Thank you for the quick response. I do not have a config file. This is a brand new installation of Veeam for Office 365. I am trying to add my organization and get the same error when doing the "verifying connection and organization parameters". I have scoured the C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup365 directory and do not see a config.xml anywhere. Any help would be appreciated.
That really doesn't look like normal to me (but I can be mistaken). Please create a support call for this one and post the support case ID here. Afterwards, let us know what the outcome is when the engineers have investigated. I am very much interested (and probably lots of others in this community ) in what is going on.