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Full Name: Gilles Verbeken

Feature request: Filter for VBM365 Console

Post by GVerbeken »

Hi everyone,

As a service provider, we manage Veeam backups from customers and some of the customers have this issue on their own environment. We have dozens of customers where we manage the VBM365 backups daily and we want to make this process as efficient as possible.

At the moment, we have no way to filter the warning that are coming from customers Azure portals. We see that numerous warnings keep coming back and this makes the process of doing the daily check very long. Also, with some of the customers this is so bad that we have over 300 warnings about the user's license or the accounts that are not found on one exchange job alone. There will be days that we will oversee a real issue because there are too many warnings that are irrelevant to us.

I would like to request a new feature where we can filter these things so the overall backup check would be way clearer. I will list the warnings that we would like to be able to filter out in the console below:
  • completed with warning: Exchange account was not found
  • completed with warning: Mailbox does not have a valid Microsoft 365 license
  • finished with warning: Personal site was not found
  • finished with warning: User ... does not have a valid Microsoft 365 license with SharePoint plan enabled
  • completed with warning: OneDrive was not found
We know that this can be avoided by using an exclusion group, but as we only manage the backups and not the AD off the customer, we have no control over this. We keep asking the customers to use the exclusions, but they just won't do this. This is why we would like Veeam to come with an answer to this issue.

Kind Regards,
Gilles Verbeken
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Polina Vasileva

Re: Feature request: Filter for VBM365 Console

Post by Polina » 1 person likes this post

Hi Gilles,

Thank you for the feedback; makes sense. I'll add your request to our enhancements backlog.
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Full Name: Rajeev Mehta

Re: Feature request: Filter for VBM365 Console

Post by rtheseeker »

I use this powershell script to filter these warning; you can modify it for OneDrive
# Get the date of the previous night
$lastNight = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")

# Get all job sessions that ran last night with warnings
$lastNightSessions = Get-VBOJobSession | Where-Object {
$_.CreationTime -ge $lastNight -and
$_.CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") -and $_.JobName -like '*Exchange*'

# Initialize $logs before using it
$logs = @()

foreach ($lastNightSession in $lastNightSessions) {
$logs += $lastNightSession.Log

# Display only warning logs excluding specific warnings
foreach ($log in $logs) {
if ($log.title -like '*warning*' -and
$log.title -notlike '*Exchange account was not found*' -and
$log.title -notlike '*Mailbox does not have a valid*' -and
$log.title -notlike '*Failed to find group owner account*'
) {
$formattedLog = "{0} {1}" -f $log.title, $log.description
Write-Host $formattedLog
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