I am currently developing a tool to delete single items (or complete tenants and all in between) from a repository and I see that the command Get-VBOEntityData only has 1 sharepoint option "-Site".
When run you get all sharepoint sites, including the personal ones.
Is there a possibility to create a property in the output to mark it as personalsite?
Where Type always comes back as Site, maybe that could be Site or PersonalSite to mark the difference.
Why do I want this?
When enumerating all items I get doubles when requesting users (which also includes PersonalSites) and when requesting sites you get those too.
With the Get-VBOEntityData -Type User, you can get the list of users in the specified repository and their backed-up data, including OneDrive and Personal sites (i.e. IsOneDriveBackedUp=True/False, IsPersonalSiteBackedUp=True/False).
I know, however if you run Get-VBOEntityData -type Site you also get the all the SharePointsites , including the personal sites.
The same happens for OneDrives.
My question is if we can mark it that its personal. Now I need to filter the Personal SharePointsites on the property URL "*/personal/*". That's rather ugly and prone to mistakes.