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Full Name: Ronny Somby

GUI always display job as error - Case #02863786

Post by rsomby2 »


So i have been running into this very strange behaviour after having an issue with time diffs between VBM and storage.
The time issue with time was quickly resolved, but it gave a few job run entries with some strange timestamps, for example one in a future date.

Now these errors doesnt go away, it shows forever in the job view in the console, and also under the "last 24 hours" view.
And as a result of this the job itself are always displayed as its last run was failed with an error.
And because this is how the jobs are displayed the Veeam-One side of this just show a big fat red error ALL THE TIME.

I have added a few screenshots to try to make it clearer for you guys what the issue is, as its kinda hard explaining.

Screenshot1 is default dashboard view, notice the job status says failed and the error in the details. This is not the result of the last run, because that ran just fine and ended with a warning (warnings are expected for my unlicensed mailbox, missing onedrives etc).
PS! ignore the disabled jobs.

Screenshot2 is the "last 24 hours" view. Why is the jobs with error displayed here when its not within the last 24 hours?
Please look closely at the dates for the (failed) jobs.

Screenshot3 is from Veeam-One which pulls the errors from gui in VBM.

Screenshot4 is also from Veeam-One but in the alarm view and you can see its "error" status.

I also want to say, i have had a support case on this but it ended with no fix, the case number is 02863786.

How do we fix this, please advice?
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Polina Vasileva

Re: GUI always display job as error - Case #02863786

Post by Polina »

Hi Ronny,

The error message from one of the jobs indicates that there's some problem with your repository. Did you check its health?
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Full Name: Ronny Somby

Re: GUI always display job as error - Case #02863786

Post by rsomby2 »

There is nothing wrong with the repos. Support said the same initially, but its not. They were also upgraded from version 6 to 7 not long ago without problems.
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Polina Vasileva

Re: GUI always display job as error - Case #02863786

Post by Polina »


I reviewed your previous cases together with the support team, and from what I understand this problem occurs periodically. Please open a new support case and post its ID here, so that I could follow the investigation. Don't forget to provide the latest logs )
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