Hello everyone i'm playing with some powershell, my ultimate goal is to be able to list all the mailboxes processed in the last job run.
I've found this little code that from my understanding is able to list all the user in a group, and since i'm using dynamic group as the source for the jobs i've tried it:
Code: Select all
$organization = Get-VBOOrganization
$group = Get-VBOOrganizationGroup -Organization $organization -DisplayName "VBO EXO Test Job"
Get-VBOOrganizationGroupMember -Group $group
The thing i don't understand is that this code is returning a user, this user was present in this dynamic group before, but now it has been removed. In fact, if i run the job on Veeam i get:
- Object processed: 0
Nothing to process
For some reason the powershell still see this user in this group, where the command Get-VBOOrganizationGroupMember get the data? Is the source different from the one used by Veeam VBO for it's job?