Using latest VBO O365.
Trying to automate exporting of PST data for user primary (isArchive:False) and archive (isArchive:True) mailbox.
Code: Select all
Connect-VBOServer -Server xxxxx
$organization = Get-VBOOrganization -Name "xxxxx"
Start-VBOExchangeItemRestoreSession -LatestState -Organization $organization
$session = Get-VBOExchangeItemRestoreSession
$database = Get-VEXDatabase -Session $session
$mailboxes = Get-VEXMailbox -Database $database
$mailbox = Get-VEXMailbox -Database $database -name xxxxx
Export-VEXItem -Mailbox $mailbox -To "Z:\xxxxx.pst"
PS C:\Windows\system32> $mailbox
Id : 1ca75408-d47a-4475-af18-xxxxx
Name : In-Place Archive - xxxxx
Email : xxxxx
IsDeleted : False
IsArchive : True
Id : 340903b2-ff62-49f5-ba47-xxxxx
Name : xxxxx
Email : xxxxx
IsDeleted : False
IsArchive : False
This does not seem to work, we get an error..
Code: Select all
Export-VEXItem : Cannot convert 'In-Place Archive - xxxxx' to the type 'Veeam.Exchange.PowerShell.Model.Items.VEXMailbox' required by parameter 'Mailbox'. Specified method is not supported.
At line:1 char:25
+ Export-VEXItem -Mailbox $mailbox -To "C:\IT\xxxxx.pst" -Verbose
+ ~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Export-VEXItem], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgument,Veeam.Exchange.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Export.ExportVEXItem
How does one export in-place archive?
Is there a way to run Export-VEXItem so it does not lock up the PowerShell session (ie. run as background job)?