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Job finishes with warning but the objects failed

Post by Bjoern_ch »

we regularly have jobs which finishes with a warning but (some) objects in it failed. This is very confusing.
Can someone please explain me the difference between a warning and a failure. When does a job finish with a warning and when does it finish with a failure? And what does it mean?
Why does the first run finishes with a warning and the retry finishes with a failure even though in both runs the same objects failed. Only difference is that in the first run there are thousands of successful objects in it too.
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Polina Vasileva

Re: Job finishes with warning but the objects failed

Post by Polina »

Hi Bjoern,

Typically, a failure message is displayed when we're unable to access the required object, or there's some permissions issue - i.e. when we are completely unable to protect the required object.
Warnings are displayed, for example, when certain items within a backed up object cannot be processed at the moment. Depending on the nature of an issue, warnings can be critical and non-critical which may affect the overall job result. Also, we take into account the job configuration settings - for example, there is a difference between a job that includes an entire organization and a job that only includes some explicitly selected objects.

Makes sense?

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Re: Job finishes with warning but the objects failed

Post by Bjoern_ch »

Hi Polina,
thanks for your reply.
It makes a bit sense. But I would have preferred much more detailed information.
I still do not understand why a job finishes with a warning when no object in the job has a warning? Why does the result of the job changes to warning if I add a successful object to an overall failing job?
This means from an admin side that I cannot differentiate between an error and a warning.
Furthermore a list with warnings and failures/errors and how to mitigate them would be very appreciated. With NetBackup this usually solved most my cases before opening them. So, it could be helpful for your support, too.

Best regards,
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Polina Vasileva

Re: Job finishes with warning but the objects failed

Post by Polina »

The main difference is that a job completed with a warning still creates a consistent restore point containing objects that haven't failed during the job run. The specifics of processing are different depending on the type of the processed workload.
I still do not understand why a job finishes with a warning when no object in the job has a warning?
Can you provide an example of such a job? I can only guess that in this case one of the objects failed to be processed while all the rest were successfully backed up.
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Re: Job finishes with warning but the objects failed

Post by Bjoern_ch » 1 person likes this post

Sure, I can provide you an example. For detailed logs you can see case #02327685 (it is not opened because of this ;-)).
Or see here:
But actually you already gave the answer. :-) Because a restore point is created for the successful object the job does not fail but ends with a warning. If I remove the successful objects it fails.
Makes totally sense now. Thanks.
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Polina Vasileva

Re: Job finishes with warning but the objects failed

Post by Polina »

You are welcome )
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