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Need to blow away all data inside backup job

Post by importantchicken562 »


I mistakenly set up a job to backup the entire organization's mail instead of using some security groups we created within M365. How do I delete the data within the job? It is currently consuming 2TB on our cloud provider and don't want it there anymore. What I want to do specifically is:

1-Delete all Veeam backup within the job
2-Modify existing job to back up only selected security groups

I saw someone posted this a while back: ... s-etc-1268

If this still applicable? I also asked Bard(lol), it said I can set the backup repository retention policy from what we have it set to now(2 years) to 0 days(temporarily) which would also do the same thing.
Mike Resseler
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Re: Need to blow away all data inside backup job

Post by Mike Resseler »

Hey Mark,

I assume you are using object storage based repository? Because the article you are referring has information for Jet-DB based repository. It is partly correct, but the way the data is removed is a bit different depending on the repository type

What you can do is remove the data for all objects you did not want protected by using PowerShell. Note: Before you do that, edit the job and change the scope from ALL to the security groups.

For the PowerShell cmdlets: ... tml?ver=70
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