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New installation question

Post by matteu »


I will have project to build soon and I would like to have some advices.

My customer is a company with several independant site.
Site 1 = 1 Active directory forest + servers
Site 2 = 1 other Active directory forest + servers
There are around 10 sites with their own infrastructure.

However, all these on premise site are synced into the same Azure AD tenant.

I will have to install VBM365 on each sites.

When Veeam 365 is installed in one site and I add an organization, an application is created on Azure AD and use for certificate + auxiliary account right ?

1) What will happen if I install 8 Veeam 365. Will I have 8 Veeam applications ? Will I have to use something special from the first one into all the other ?

2) When I will have to select object into job, IT people from site 1 will be able to see all user / group from everywhere by default. How do you manage it ? Is it only an Azure AD issue and maybe I have to use Administrative unit for it ?

thanks for your help
Mike Resseler
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Re: New installation question

Post by Mike Resseler »

1) Yes, there will be 8 different Veeam applications. I would advice giving each a dedicated name, otherwise you will see 8 app registrations all with the same name (but not the same ID). Nothing special needs to be done.

2) There is a possibility to disallow 1 VB365 server backing up objects from another VB365 server. However, because we need to be able to read out the entire subscription, every VB365 server will be able to see all objects AND select them. But if you would select an object that you are not authorized to, it will fail during the backup. @Polina has more details on how this can be achieved, but it is not in VB365, it is in AAD that you need to do this.
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Re: New installation question

Post by matteu »

Thanks for your answer :) It confirms what I believe :)

Good tips to choose the Veeam backup application name

For AAD section, it's with Administrative unit to set permissions :)

Thanks for your help !
Veeam Software
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Full Name: Polina Vasileva

Re: New installation question

Post by Polina »

On point #2: We can only provide a workaround for Exchange Online data. For SharePoint and Teams, unfortunately, there's no solution to offer.
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