Today I installed the community edition at a customer that has a subscription of "Office 365 Germany". Everything seems to work (the initial backup is still running) except the notifications. I used the identical configuration as in "Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5u4" that is running on the same server, but I always get an "error sending email" when I click on "Test".
I've read the paragraph in the manual:
Notifications about backup jobs completion results may not work properly for Microsoft Azure China and Germany regions.
"May not work properly" seems to translate to "doesn't work at all".
Will there be an update with working notifications?
I know that "Office 365 Germany" is different, but if Veeam B&R can send emails, why can't Veeam Office 365? On the same server!
Maybe this helps (it's from C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup365\Logs\Veeam.Archiver.Service_2019_05_14_21_27_19.log):
Code: Select all
14.05.2019 22:56:23 44 (7880) Error: Fehler beim Senden von Mail.
14.05.2019 22:56:23 44 (7880) Type: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException
14.05.2019 22:56:23 44 (7880) Stack:
14.05.2019 22:56:23 44 (7880) bei System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
bei Veeam.Engine.Mail.SmtpSender.Send(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
bei Veeam.Archiver.Engine.Reporting.EmailNotificationService.Send(String subject, String body, EmailNotificationConfig config, ICredentials credentials, Boolean isBodyHtml, Attachment attach, CancellationToken cancelToken)
bei Veeam.Archiver.Engine.Reporting.EmailNotificationService.SendTestEmail(EmailNotificationConfig config, SecureString password, Boolean passwordChanged, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
bei Veeam.Archiver.Controller.Engine.EmailNotificationController.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<SendTestEmail>b__0(Guid id, CancellationToken cancel)
bei Veeam.Archiver.Engine.Tasks.TaskController.<>c__DisplayClass8_1`1.<CreateTask>b__0()
bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
14.05.2019 22:56:23 44 (7880) Error: Die Verbindung mit dem Remoteserver kann nicht hergestellt werden.
14.05.2019 22:56:23 44 (7880) Type: System.Net.WebException
14.05.2019 22:56:23 44 (7880) Stack:
14.05.2019 22:56:23 44 (7880) bei System.Net.ServicePoint.GetConnection(PooledStream PooledStream, Object owner, Boolean async, IPAddress& address, Socket& abortSocket, Socket& abortSocket6)
bei System.Net.PooledStream.Activate(Object owningObject, Boolean async, GeneralAsyncDelegate asyncCallback)
bei System.Net.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Object owningObject, GeneralAsyncDelegate asyncCallback, Int32 creationTimeout)
bei System.Net.Mail.SmtpConnection.GetConnection(ServicePoint servicePoint)
bei System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.GetConnection()
bei System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
14.05.2019 22:56:23 44 (7880) Error: Der Zugriff auf einen Socket war aufgrund der Zugriffsrechte des Sockets unzulässig
14.05.2019 22:56:23 44 (7880) Type: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException
14.05.2019 22:56:23 44 (7880) Stack:
14.05.2019 22:56:23 44 (7880) bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
bei System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)