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Full Name: Sumeet P

Selecting Restore Point - Restore Portal

Post by sumeet »


We have separate jobs for mailbox, onedrive and sharepoint backup. These jobs are scheduled to run an hour or two apart, so that at any given time only one job runs.

Now, when I open the restore portal. And try to select a restore point as explained in documentation - ... tml?ver=70
I see three different restore points for each day. The time on these restore points matches exactly to the time the backup jobs completed, which are an hour apart (this is a small tenancy, so the backup jobs finish in 4-6 mins).
But when I select the restore point at 20:02:26, which is when the mailbox backup job completed, the web portal lists my mailbox, onedrive and sharepoint. What is confusing is OneDrive and sharepoint getting listed, which have separate restore points later in the night.

So how is this designed?
  • Irrespective of what restore point I select for a given day, all my data, which is mailbox, onedrive and sharepoint get listed?
  • Even though all get listed, each of them will match with the restore point of their respective job, meaning my mailbox will be exactly as it was when backup finished at 20:02 and onedrive will be exactly as it was when backup finished at 22:04?
  • What if a job was disabled on a given day. Example Onedrive job was disabled on a given day and did not run, then will only two restore points get listed (one for mailbox and the other for sharepoint)?
  • What if one of the backup job ran longer and finished the next day at 6am?
This is confusing. More details will help. I have not opened a case, but if this needs one, I can open.

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Re: Selecting Restore Point - Restore Portal

Post by sumeet »

I have opened a Case # 07164340 and the answers are not much helpful.

Is it just me who finds this confusing?

As I keep using this portal, more questions keep cropping up.

5. What if I run the backup job multiple times on the day? Example my mailbox backup job has run three times on the day, then the other jobs run just once, then during selection of restore point, I select the restore point that matches with the other job, in such a case, which of the three restore points for the mailbox backup will be used to list the mailbox for restore?
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Re: Selecting Restore Point - Restore Portal

Post by sumeet »

Will be helpful if the PM team look into this design.

Below is the response I have received from support.

As service providers, we need to explain the usage of the web portal to our clients.

I've got information that this is expected behavior when it comes to Restore Portal.
So, if you're exploring a restore point at 14.00 (that time Exchange job was completed) and try to explore OneDrive data, Restore Portal will open the closest restore point.
I reckon you're expecting to be easily be able to distinguish different services (Exchange, SharePoint, etc) from the restore points, which unfortunately is not possible/available in Restore Portal.
Also, concur and noted on your point that not enough documentation is available for Restore Portal, apart from what's been shared already: ... tml?ver=70
I will forward the above two - feature request and lack of documentation - to our internal team, for consideration. However, unfortunately, we from Support can not provide any further updates on if these feature requests will be included in the upcoming product releases.
You may also put in your concern/feature request in our RnD forum, which our Product Managers actively monitor and respond: veeam-backup-for-microsoft-365-f47/
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Full Name: Polina Vasileva

Re: Selecting Restore Point - Restore Portal

Post by Polina »

Hi Sumeet,

Apologies for the late response.

I don't have much to add to the explanation you received from support.
In the Portal, you first select a scope to explore, for example, a user. This user may have their mailbox, site and OneDrive backed up and each of this user's objects can protected at a different time with separate backup jobs. At each time you can select just one restore point to explore. With that:

>> Irrespective of what restore point I select for a given day, all my data, which is mailbox, onedrive and sharepoint get listed?
Correct. In the Portal, exploring backups is based on the concept of User, and for each selected restore point you'll see all the backups related to the selected user closest to the selected point in time.

>> Even though all get listed, each of them will match with the restore point of their respective job, meaning my mailbox will be exactly as it was when backup finished at 20:02 and onedrive will be exactly as it was when backup finished at 22:04?
If you select to display the restore point with the 22:04 timestamp and the latest RP for the mailbox by that time is 20:02, you'll see mailbox data from 20:02 and OneDrive data from the 22:04 RP.

>> What if a job was disabled on a given day. Example Onedrive job was disabled on a given day and did not run, then will only two restore points get listed (one for mailbox and the other for sharepoint)?
For each object (mailbox, OneDrive and site), the Portal will display the latest RPs closest to the selected RP timestamp. If the latest available RP for OneDrive if 2 days old, the Portal will display it.

>> What if one of the backup job ran longer and finished the next day at 6am?
Its new restore point will only be available the next day. If the the job is still running at the moment of selecting a RP, the Portal will display the latest saved backup state available in repositories.

Does it make sense?
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Full Name: Sumeet P

Re: Selecting Restore Point - Restore Portal

Post by sumeet » 1 person likes this post

Hi Polina,
This is helpful. Please add these details in the documentation.
Also, will request if next to users mailbox, onedrive and SP, we list the date and time of the RP. It will make it easier for users to know what data is being accessed.

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