Have noticed some time in the recent past that the teams backup options within the organisation settings have changed, there is no longer an option which can be enabled or disabled for teams chat. We're running v7.1.0.1501 currently but I believe this was changed in a previous version. Example screenshots:
Previously we were not backing up teams chats, but now I am not sure if they are being backed up or not? I may have been looking in the wrong place but couldn't find any documentation on this change. Can someone please help me understand what's changed here, if it's referenced in any documentation on the latest versions, and what this means for backing up teams chats now?
Thanks for the reply, these servers have been around for a while, and I've checked those powershell commands, not currently enabled on any of our servers. If that's the only way to enable the 'teams chat' option then maybe I've just been given some bad info by someone in my team on how it 'used to be setup'.
We don't actually want to backup teams chat, I just noticed I couldn't see whether it was enabled/disabled as the option wasn't present. Can I assume if teams chat is missing from the organization deployment then it's not being backed up? Cheers!
Can I assume if teams chat is missing from the organization deployment then it's not being backed up? Cheers!
Yes, you can assume that. Microsoft removed the EWS method (1 year ago) we have previously used to backup Teams chats. Now we need to use Teams Graph Export APIs to backup Teams chats.
Therefore without running those PowerShell cmdlets and configuring the Teams chat option in the backup console, chats from Teams channels cannot be protected.
Please note, for 1:1 chats and group chats we are waiting for an update of Microsofts GraphAPI before we can protect those chats as well.