I have a question in Re: the M365 snapshot vs item level backups. I believe I understand the premise, but something I would like to clear up:
Do both options grab the data from as far back as you have in your account? Example: I have a mailbox with 6 years worth of e-mail, let's say from 2017 > I create a backup job to a repository that has 3 year snapshot policy retention with daily snapshots. Am I correct in assuming it will pull down all 6 years worth of E-mail, create a snapshot every day, and then 3 years in the future, delete the snapshots that start falling away from 3 years? (for example, in 2026, it will delete every old snapshot that's older than 3 years and will delete every daily snapshot older than 3 years? (and the cycle continues, new snaps are created, old snap deleted, but the first 3 years no snaps are deleted)
Is this correct?
Is Item Level the same idea, except it's every item older than 3 years?
Is Item level grabbing the initial backup only 3 years behind? (meaning it will ignore e-mails older than 3 years, and never back them up in the first place)
I'm almost positive scenario one is correct, but a lot of confusing information online, would appreciate some clarification.