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Full Name: Rajeev Mehta

VBO 365 consoles access

Post by rtheseeker »

We have a large envrioment (40K plus users) and seprate teams managing OneDrive and Office 365 Mailboxes.
I want the respective teams to have console access to VBO so that they can reiew the backup/warning/errors and do restores
OneDrive Admin can do OneDrive restores, Office365 Mailbox Admin can manage Office365 Mailbox restore
The VBO envrioment is in Azure
1. Is it possible for a user to just have read only access to VBO console. We want them to use this console to check the respective errors/warnings and portal for the restore
2. If option 1 is not available and we install the VBO console and only specific explorers to another server

Also for restore
- We do have portal acccess however still trying to figure out the process around delegating restore access as I am not sure if it is still possible to allow granular restores (OneDrive and Exchange to diffrent users)
Mike Resseler
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Re: VBO 365 consoles access

Post by Mike Resseler »

Hey Rajeev,

1. I'm afraid this is not possible at this point in time. Today you either have full access to the VBO console or no access
2. Technically you could install multiple VBO services and split the jobs, even if they are pointing to the same tenant. However, nothing stops the OneDrive admin to add mailboxes to the job and vice versa. There is no specific delegated control

For restore: This is in the planning, today you give access to someone allowing him or her to restore data from a user, in the future we will split it up per service also
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