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Full Name: Chris Lukowski

VBO 365 Immutability Strategy?

Post by StoopidMonkey »

I have a decent understanding of how immutability works with our traditional VBR incremental backups but I'm not clear on how immutability should be properly utilized with the way VBO stores data in its database format. I know that I'll need to keep two buckets functioning, one non-immutable for the primary backup target and another for the immutable Backup Copy job. That said, for how long should immutability be set to on the second bucket and what exactly will be KEPT immutable for that period?

Would it be correct to say that the non-immutable bucket will contain the ENTIRE VBO database with all the revision history and former users intact while the databases (I assume) that will be written to the Backup Copy bucket will only contain new files created since the last backup? The user guide isn't clear on this.
Mike Resseler
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Re: VBO 365 Immutability Strategy?

Post by Mike Resseler »

Hey Chris,

When you do a copy backup, we will copy the latest restore point to that new location. So if you schedule a backup copy right after a backup job, you will have exact the same thing. If you would do it once a week, you will get the previous restore point and it might be that there are items missing if during that week you had a backup of a mail that has been deleted / removed the same week.

Makes sense?
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Full Name: Chris Lukowski

Re: VBO 365 Immutability Strategy?

Post by StoopidMonkey »

That part makes sense about files created /deleted in between backup copies, but I'm still not sure if it makes an entire second copy of the database and just maintains its own "backup copy" incrementals, and whether or not that backup copy will contain retention data from deleted (but retained) accounts.
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