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VBO license for long-term archive, please?

Post by pufferdude »

We are working toward transitioning from the classic "back up files on user machines to a server" model to everyone storing their files on OD/SP, and of course will use VBO365 to back that up. One of the things I've hated about our current backup solution (Crashplan Enterprise) is that you cannot keep data for a deleted user (say, a staff person that resigned) without consuming a license, which is just not practical and we have to do stupid things like copy the backed-up files OUT of the backup system and export Outlook email to a PST to "preserve" the departed user's files long-term.

Well, suffice it to say that I was really disappointed to learn that VBO seems to work pretty much the same way :-( As I understand it, you can't keep a deleted user's archive around in VBO more than a month without consuming a license (please correct me if my understanding is wrong!)

This is just an "ask" for the Veeam people... would you please consider a special "archive only" license that is significantly cheaper that we can assign to deleted users who will no longer continue to be backed-up but we want to keep their data around for years, just in case we need to go looking for something? It seems crazy to have to pay for a full license (and our current solution is no different in this regard) forever just to keep archived data around for users you're no longer backing up... and even crazier to have to take that data OUT of the backup to somewhere else just to keep it (what we do today) because we can't afford to license every user who's ever been backed up, even after they are long gone.

Anyway, I hope someone from Veeam sees this and considers such an alternative license for deleted users.
Mike Resseler
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Re: VBO license for long-term archive, please?

Post by Mike Resseler » 1 person likes this post

I am going to correct you :-)

So, once the user is deleted, delete the user from your job(s). We keep indeed the license active for 31 days. (This has some reasons...) After that, the license is being returned to the pool of licenses. However, all of that protected data remains protected for as long as the retention!

So no license is needed anymore, and as long as you have your retention, it will have that data in the repository

Hope it helps

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Re: VBO license for long-term archive, please?

Post by pufferdude »

No way! That's awesome news! Thanks for the quick reply and clarification. So glad I misunderstood the way it works!
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