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VBO Licesning question

Post by rtheseeker »

We have VBO subscription licensing for 34K users; when I go to Azure portal the MS E365 E3 shows 40K assigned licenses in Azure portal. There are different teams/admin managing one drive and Office 365 users and we are slowly migrating from on-prem to office365. We have separate backup jobs for Office 365 Mailbox, OneDrive
As a part of onboarding, we first enabled 365 Mailbox backups jobs few months back and those have been running fine without any licensing errors as I was advised we have 33K Mailbox Users. I noticed when I enabled the OneDrive backups starting of this week; the VBO user licensing count went to 37K users and backup stopped even for some of the exchange users. It appears Veeam has met 10% limit. ... tml?ver=70

As VBO uses FIFO logic my understanding was Veeam would only stop processing for additional one drive users; not sure why it affected existing Exchange jobs which have been running fine previously. Also, in V7 it appears the number of grace users have doubled; and I noticed the VBO does not have "Update License Automatically" option checked as the firewall ports to Veeam autoupdate are blocked.
If we enable this option by when I should be able to use the addiotnal 10%

Also, if we have 40K assigned licesning what is the recommended number of VBO licensing we should get; as we are already have subscription licensing and 7K (20%) is a large number; should we just get 35K licenses as it would cover 40K users and 1K for buffer. Are there any issues with that approach or shall we just get 40K licenses?
To resolve the issue temporarily till we sort out licensing, can I choose certain users (I will have to find a way for the users who only have one drive but no Mailbox) and remove those from backup repository (Azure Blob Store which then replicated to S3 Immutable storage) to reclaim licenses. Are there any risks associated with it?
Mike Resseler
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Re: VBO Licesning question

Post by Mike Resseler »


Yes, if you enable that checkbox, you get the additional grace.

For the problems with the licensing.

For the recommended licensing... Difficult for me to help there as I cannot see what you want to protect. Obviously having 40k assigned users in M365, then to be able to protect everything, I would say: Yes, go for 40k. But you probably don't have that plan.

To revoke licenses, if you stop protecting an object, the license will be free after 31 days. However, you can do it faster if you remove the data from the backup repository. You can find more info here: ... nse&ver=70
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