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Veeam Legend
Posts: 802
Liked: 126 times
Joined: May 11, 2018 8:42 am

Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by matteu » 2 people like this post


I did a github request to have the script into veeamhub repository but not yes validated.
I post it here for people who want to test it and want to give me some feedback about some bug / error / missing parts :)

It's designed for V7 and not tested on V6 build

Code: Select all

# =======================================================
# NAME: VBM365audit.ps1
# AUTHOR: Commenge Damien, Axians Cloud Builder
# DATE: 11/07/2022
# VERSION 1.04
# COMMENTS: This script is created to Audit Veeam backup for microsoft 365
# <N/A> is used for not available
# =======================================================

# 16/07/2022 
    Update lot of code for better performance
# 18/07/2022 
    Change date format and replace VBM to VB365
# 26/07/2022 
    Optimize path creation
# 09/08/2023 
    Add storage account
    Add backup copy
    Add encryption key
    Add Teams graph API
    Add modern authentication notifications    

# =======================================================

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="Veeam.Archiver.PowerShell"; ModuleVersion="6.0" }
#Date to create folder
$Date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm"
#ReportPath to create folder
#Create folder
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ReportPath -Force | Out-Null
#Report path
$HTMLReportPath = "$ReportPath\VeeamBackupMicrosoft365.html"
#Web page title
$HTMLTitle = "VBM365 report"
#Web page CSS style
    body{color:black;font-family:Vinci Sans Light;font-size:0.79em;line-height:1.25;margin:5;}
    table {border-collapse: collapse;margin-left:10px;border-radius:7px 7px 0px 0px;}
    th, td {padding: 8px;text-align: left;border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;}
    th {background-color: #006400;color: white;}
    tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2}
    table.table2 td:first-child{background-color: #A20067;color: white}

#Connect to VBO Server
Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - Connecting to VBM 365 server"
try {
    Connect-VBOServer -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - Connected to VBM 365 server"
catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]{
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - Connexion is already done"
catch {
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - $($_.Exception.message) " -ForegroundColor Red

    Get configuration Summary from Veeam Microsoft 365 server
    Get server name, OS, OS build and VBM365 version
function Get-DCVB365Summary
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Summary"

    $ServerName   = $env:COMPUTERNAME
    $ServerOS     = (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
    $OSBuild      = Get-ItemPropertyValue -path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -name 'UBR'
    $VB365build   = (Get-VBOVersion).ProductVersion
        Name            = $ServerName
        OS              = $ServerOS
        OSBuild         = $OSBuild
        VB365Version    = $VB365build

    Get configuration about organizations
    Get organization name, account used, type (on premise, hybride, O365), service (exchange, sharepoint), region, authentication (basic, modern with legacy protocol, modern), auxiliar backup account/application number
function Get-DCVB365Organization
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Organization"

    $Organization = Get-VBOOrganization

    if ($Organization.Office365ExchangeConnectionSettings)
        $OrgAuth = (Get-VBOOrganization).Office365ExchangeConnectionSettings.AuthenticationType
        $OrgAuth = (Get-VBOOrganization).Office365SharePointConnectionSettings.AuthenticationType
    if ($OrgAuth -eq "Basic")
        $AuxAccount = (Get-VBOOrganization).backupaccounts.count
        $AuxAccount = (Get-VBOOrganization).backupapplications.count

        Name            = $Organization.OfficeName
        Account         = $Organization.username
        Type            = $Organization.type
        Service         = $Organization.BackupParts
        Region          = $Organization.region
        Authentication  = $OrgAuth
        AuxAccount      = $AuxAccount

    Get configuration about backup job configuration
    Get job name, type, included object, excluded object, repository, proxy, schedule, active or disabled state
function Get-DCVB365BackupJob
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Backup Jobs"

    foreach ($Job in Get-VBOJob)
        #Get proxy name from associated proxy ID repository
        $JobSchedule = "<N/A>"
        if ($Job.schedulepolicy.EnableSchedule -and $Job.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "daily")
             $JobSchedule = [string]$Job.SchedulePolicy.DailyTime + " " + $Job.SchedulePolicy.DailyType
        if ($Job.schedulepolicy.EnableSchedule -and $Job.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "Periodically")
             $JobSchedule = $Job.SchedulePolicy.PeriodicallyEvery

            Name        = $Job.Name
            Type        = $Job.JobBackupType
            InclObject  = $Job.SelectedItems -join ", "
            ExclObject  = $Job.ExcludedItems -join ", "
            Repository  = $Job.Repository
            Proxy       = (Get-VBOProxy -id (Get-VBORepository -Name $Job.Repository).Proxy.Id -ExtendedView:$False).Hostname
            Schedule    = $JobSchedule
            Enabled     = $Job.IsEnabled

    Get configuration about backup copy job configuration
    Get job name, repository, backupjob linked, schedule, active or disabled state
function Get-DCVB365BackupCopyJob
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Backup copy Jobs"
    $CopyJobs = Get-VBOCopyJob
    if ($CopyJobs)
        foreach ($CopyJob in $CopyJobs)
            if ($CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "daily")
                 $JobSchedule = [string]$CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.DailyTime + " " + $CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.DailyType
            if ($CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "Periodically")
                 $JobSchedule = $CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.PeriodicallyEvery
                $JobSchedule = $CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.Type
                Name            = $
                Repository      = $CopyJob.Repository
                BackupLinked    = $
                Schedule        = $JobSchedule
                Enabled         = $CopyJob.IsEnabled
            Name            = "<N/A>"
            Repository      = "<N/A>"
            BackupLinked    = "<N/A>"
            Schedule        = "<N/A>"
            Enabled         = "<N/A>"

    Get configuration about proxy configuration
    Get proxy name, port, thread number, throttling, internet proxy used or not, internet proxy port and account
function Get-DCVB365Proxy

    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Proxy"

    foreach ($Proxy in (Get-VBOProxy -ExtendedView:$False))
        $Proxy = [PScustomObject]@{
            Name            = $Proxy.hostname
            Port            = $Proxy.port
            Thread          = $Proxy.ThreadsNumber
            Throttling      = [string]$Proxy.ThrottlingValue + " " + $Proxy.ThrottlingUnit
            IntProxyHost    = "<N/A>"
            IntProxyPort    = "<N/A>"
            IntProxyAccount = "<N/A>"
        if ($Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy)
            $Proxy.IntProxyHost     = $Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy.Host
            $Proxy.IntProxyPort     = $Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy.Port
            $Proxy.IntProxyAccount  = $Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy.User

    Get configuration about repository configuration
    Get repository name, proxy associated, path, retention type and value, repository object name and encryption
 function Get-DCVB365Repository
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Repository"
     foreach ($Repository in Get-VBORepository)
        $Proxy        =  (Get-VBOProxy -id (Get-VBORepository -name $Repository.Name).Proxy.Id -ExtendedView:$False).Hostname
        $Retention    = [string]$Repository.RetentionPeriod + " " + $Repository.RetentionType
         $ObjectName   = "<N/A>"
         if ($Repository.ObjectStorageRepository)
             $ObjectName = $Repository.ObjectStorageRepository.Name
         [int]$UsedStorage = ($Repository.Capacity - $Repository.FreeSpace) / 1GB
         [int]$TotalStorage = $Repository.Capacity / 1GB
             Name                = $Repository.Name
             Proxy               = $Proxy
             Path                = $Repository.Path
             ObjectRepository    = $ObjectName
             Retention           = $Retention
             Encryption          = $Repository.EnableObjectStorageEncryption
             'Storage(GB)'             = [String]$UsedStorage + "/" +  $TotalStorage

    Get configuration about object repository configuration
    Get repository name, folder, type, UsedSpace, size limit and if it's long term achive
 function Get-DCVB365ObjectRepository
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Object Repository"
     foreach ($ObjectStorage in Get-VBOObjectStorageRepository)
         $SizeLimit = "<N/A>"
         if ($ObjectStorage.EnableSizeLimit)
             $SizeLimit = [String]$ObjectStorage.UsedSpace + "/" + $ObjectStorage.SizeLimit
             Name        = $
             Folder      = $ObjectStorage.Folder
             Type        = $ObjectStorage.Type
             'UsedSpace(GB)'   = [int]($ObjectStorage.UsedSpace / 1GB)
             SizeLimit   = $SizeLimit
             LongTerm    = $ObjectStorage.IsLongTerm

    Get configuration about license
    Get license type, expiration date, customer, contact, usage
 function Get-DCVB365License
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 License"
     $License         = (Get-VBOLicense)
     $Usage    = [string]$License.usedNumber + "/" + (Get-VBOLicense).TotalNumber
         Type        = $License.Type
         Expiration  = $License.ExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
         To          = $License.LicensedTo
         Contact     = $License.ContactPerson
         Number      = $Usage

    Get configuration about restore operator configuration
    Get role name, organization, operator, associated object, excluded object
function Get-DCVB365RestoreOperator
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Restore Operator"

    $Roles = Get-VBORbacRole
    if ($role)
        foreach ($Role in $Roles)

                $IncludedObject = "Organization"
                $ExcludedObject = "<N/A>"
                if ($Role.RoleType -ne "EntireOrganization")
                    $IncludedObject = $Role.SelectedItems.DisplayName -join ", "
                if ($Role.ExcludedItems)
                $ExcludedObject = $Role.ExcludedItems.DisplayName -join ", "
                    Role            = $Role.Name
                    Organization    = (Get-VBOOrganization -Id ($Role.OrganizationId)).Name
                    Operator        = $Role.Operators.DisplayName -join ", "
                    IncludedObject  = $IncludedObject
                    ExcludedObject  = $ExcludedObject

            Role            = "<N/A>"
            Organization    = "<N/A>"
            Operator        = "<N/A>"
            IncludedObject  = "<N/A>"
            ExcludedObject  = "<N/A>"

    Get configuration about RestAPI configuration
    Get state, token life time, port, certificate thumbprint friendly name and expiration date
function Get-DCVB365RestAPI
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 REST API"
    $RestAPI = Get-VBORestAPISettings

        Enabled             = $RestAPI.IsServiceEnabled
        CertThumbprint      = $RestAPI.CertificateThumbprint
        CertFriendlyName    = $RestAPI.CertificateFriendlyName
        CertExpiration      = $RestAPI.CertificateExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
        TokenTime           = $RestAPI.AuthTokenLifeTime
        Port                = $RestAPI.HTTPSPort

    Get configuration about Restore portal configuration
    Get state, application ID, certificate thumbprint friendly name and expiration date
 function Get-DCVB365RestorePortal
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Restore portal"
     $RestorePortal = Get-VBORestorePortalSettings
         Enabled             = $RestorePortal.IsServiceEnabled
         CertThumbprint      = $RestorePortal.CertificateThumbprint
         CertFriendlyName    = $RestorePortal.CertificateFriendlyName
         CertExpiration      = $RestorePortal.CertificateExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
         AzureApplicationID  = $RestorePortal.ApplicationId.Guid

    Get configuration about operator Authentication portal configuration
    Get state, certificate thumbprint friendly name and expiration date
 function Get-DCVB365OperatorAuthentication
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Authentication"
     $OperatorAuthentication = Get-VBOOperatorAuthenticationSettings
         Enabled             = $OperatorAuthentication.AuthenticationEnabled
         CertThumbprint      = "InFutureVersion"
         CertFriendlyName    = $OperatorAuthentication.CertificateFriendlyName
         CertExpiration      = $OperatorAuthentication.CertificateExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")

    Get configuration about internet proxy
    Get state, host, port and account
function Get-DCVB365InternetProxy
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Internet Proxy"
    $InternetProxySetting = Get-VBOInternetProxySettings

    $InternetProxy = [PScustomObject]@{
        Enabled   = $InternetProxySetting.UseInternetProxy
        Host      = "<N/A>"
        Port      = "<N/A>"
        Account   = "<N/A>"
    if ($InternetProxySetting.UseInternetProxy)
        $InternetProxy.Host    = $InternetProxySetting.Host
        $InternetProxy.Port    = $InternetProxySetting.Port
        $InternetProxy.Account = $InternetProxySetting.User

    Get configuration about SMTP
    Get state, server, port, ssl, account, type
 function Get-DCVB365SMTP
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 SMTP configuration"
     $SMTPSetting = Get-VBOEmailSettings
     $Type = if ($SMTPSetting.AuthenticationType -eq "CustomSmtp")
                 "SMTP authentication"
     $SMTP = [PScustomObject]@{
         Enabled = $SMTPSetting.EnableNotification
         Type    = "<N/A>"
         Server  = "<N/A>"
         Port    = "<N/A>"
         SSL     = "<N/A>"
         Account = "<N/A>"
     if ($SMTPSetting.EnableNotification)
         $SMTP.Type   = $Type
         if ($Type -eq "SMTP authentication") 
             $SMTP.Port   = $SMTPSetting.Port
             $SMTP.Server = $SMTPSetting.SMTPServer
             $SMTP.SSL    = $SMTPSetting.UseSSL
             if ($SMTPSetting.UseAuthentication)
                 $SMTP.Account = $SMTPSetting.Username
             $SMTP.Server = $SMTPSetting.MailApiUrl
             $SMTP.Account = $SMTPSetting.UserId

    Get configuration about Notifications
    Get state, sender, receiver, notification on success, warning and failure, send only last retry notification
function Get-DCVB365Notification

    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Notifications"
    $NotificationSetting = (Get-VBOEmailSettings)

    $Notification = [PScustomObject]@{
        Enabled     = $NotificationSetting.EnableNotification
        Sender      = "<N/A>"
        Receiver    = "<N/A>"
        Success     = "<N/A>"
        Warning     = "<N/A>"
        Failure     = "<N/A>"
        LastRetry   = "<N/A>"
    if ($NotificationSetting.EnableNotification)
        $Notification.Sender     = $NotificationSetting.From -join ", "
        $Notification.Receiver   = $NotificationSetting.To -join ", "
        $Notification.Success    = $NotificationSetting.NotifyOnSuccess
        $Notification.Warning    = $NotificationSetting.NotifyOnWarning
        $Notification.Failure    = $NotificationSetting.NotifyOnFailure
        $Notification.LastRetry  = $NotificationSetting.SupressUntilLastRetry

    Get configuration about cloud storage account
    Get account, type and description
function Get-DCVB365StorageAccount
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Cloud storage account"

    #Azure storage account
    $AzureAccount = Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount
    foreach ($account in $AzureAccount)
            Account = $Account.Name
            Type = "Azure Blob"
            Description = $Account.Description

    #Amazon storage account
    $AmazonAccount = Get-VBOAmazonS3Account
    foreach ($account in $AmazonAccount)
            Account = $Account.AccessKey
            Type = "Amazon S3"
            Description = $Account.Description
    #S3 compatible storage account
    $S3Compatible = Get-VBOAmazonS3CompatibleAccount
    foreach ($account in $S3Compatible)
            Account = $Account.AccessKey
            Type = "Amazon S3"
            Description = $Account.Description

    Get configuration about cloud storage account
    Get account, type and description
function Get-DCVB365EncryptionKey
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Encryption key"

    $EncryptionKey = Get-VBOEncryptionKey

    foreach ($obj in $EncryptionKey)
        $repository = Get-VBORepository | Where-Object {$_.ObjectStorageEncryptionKey.ID.Guid -eq $obj.Id.Guid}
            Repository = $repository.Name
            Description = $obj.Description

    Get configuration about Teams Graph API state on VBM365 and proxy
    Get Teams graph API state enabled or disabled on all proxies and Veeam 365 server
function Get-DCVB365TeamsGraphAPIState
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Teams graph api state"

    #VBM365 server
        Server        = $env:COMPUTERNAME 
        TeamsGraphApi = (Get-VBOServer).IsTeamsGraphAPIBackupEnabled
    $Proxy = Get-VBOProxy 
    foreach ($obj in $Proxy)
            Server = $obj.Hostname
            TeamsGraphApi = $obj.IsTeamsGraphAPIBackupEnabled


   Generate HTML report
   Use all variable to build html report with CSS style 
   Get-HTMLReport -Path "C:\temp\report.html"

Function Get-HTMLReport

        #HTML file path

    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Building HTML"
    #region HTML
    # chrisdent: STYLE: In the code below `CreateArray` is something of a misleading function name.
    # chrisdent: ENHANCEMENT: Perhaps consider using a string builder.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  "">
    <html xmlns="">

    <h1>VEEAM Backup for Microsoft 365 Report</h1>

    <h3> Summary </h3>

    <h3> License </h3>

    <h3> SMTP </h3>

    <h3> Notification </h3>

    <h3> Web Proxy </h3>

    <h3> REST API </h3>

    <h3> Restore portal </h3>

    <h3> Restore operator authentication </h3>

    <h3> Repository </h3>

    <h3> Object Repository </h3>

    <h3> Organisation </h3>

    <h3> Proxy </h3>

    <h3> Backup job </h3>

    <h3> Backup copy job </h3>

    <h3> Restore operators </h3>

    <h3> Cloud storage account </h3>

    <h3> Encryption key </h3>

    <h3> Teams graph API state </h3>

"@ | Out-File -FilePath $HTMLReportPath

    Invoke-Item $HTMLReportPath


#Write here all function that need to be displayed in all reports types

$DCVB365Summary                   = Get-DCVB365Summary | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Organization              = Get-DCVB365Organization | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365BackupJob                 = Get-DCVB365BackupJob | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Proxy                     = Get-DCVB365Proxy | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Repository                = Get-DCVB365Repository | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365License                   = Get-DCVB365License | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365RestoreOperator           = Get-DCVB365RestoreOperator | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365RestAPI                   = Get-DCVB365RestAPI  | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365RestorePortal             = Get-DCVB365RestorePortal | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365OperatorAuthentication    = Get-DCVB365OperatorAuthentication | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365InternetProxy             = Get-DCVB365InternetProxy | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365SMTP                      = Get-DCVB365SMTP | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Notification              = Get-DCVB365Notification | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365ObjectRepository          = Get-DCVB365ObjectRepository | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365BackupCopyJob             = Get-DCVB365BackupCopyJob | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365StorageAccount            = Get-DCVB365StorageAccount | Sort-object Type | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365EncryptionKey             = Get-DCVB365EncryptionKey | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365TeamsGraphAPIState        = Get-DCVB365TeamsGraphAPIState | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment

#Create HTML Report.
Get-HTMLReport -Path $HTMLReportPath


Product Manager
Posts: 9452
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Joined: May 13, 2017 4:51 pm
Full Name: Fabian K.
Location: Switzerland

Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by Mildur »

Hello Mateus

I run the script in my lab and it works. Thank you for sharing :)

Please consider uploading it to the community boards too:

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
Veeam Legend
Posts: 802
Liked: 126 times
Joined: May 11, 2018 8:42 am

Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by matteu »


Strange but when I try to post in on community and click to create, nothing happen
No error message but nothing happens
Product Manager
Posts: 9452
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Full Name: Fabian K.
Location: Switzerland

Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by Mildur »

Maybe you are using forbidden words in the script. We had that once with "localhost" and "".
I recommend to reach out to @MadiCristil or @safiya and see if they can help.

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
Veeam Legend
Posts: 802
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Joined: May 11, 2018 8:42 am

Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by matteu » 1 person likes this post

Thanks, I've done it !
Service Provider
Posts: 77
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Joined: Apr 03, 2018 11:13 am

Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by SasoB »


just my 2 cents. I tried script in my environment and I have few comments :)

- In the Object Repository SizeLimit there is some difference between limit and used, one is in GB, the other one in Byte (1543834966350/2048).
- In the table organization there is output like (because we have multiple organization added) System.Object[] System.Object[] System.Object[] System.Object[] System.Object[] System.Object[]
- While running script I received error in PowerShell - Get-VBOVersion : The build date was not found for assembly

I didn't investigate right now, but Get-VBOVersion in Powershell works only if called directly from VBM 356 toolkit.

-------------- P20230512

Thank you for your effort.

Best regards
Veeam Legend
Posts: 802
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Joined: May 11, 2018 8:42 am

Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by matteu »


Thanks for your feedback :)

1)OK, I check it
2)I forget to say it's working only for 1 organisation from now but I will try to improve it :)
3)Do you launch it with Powershell or Powershell ISE ? It's not working on ISE but it's working with Powershell (here, I think I can't do anything because it's how Veeam design it :/ )
Veeam Legend
Posts: 802
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Joined: May 11, 2018 8:42 am

Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by matteu »

Can you test again the script here and say me if the result is ok for you ? (1 + 2 should be ok, for the 3 you need to use powershell.exe and not powershell ISE)

Code: Select all

# =======================================================
# NAME: VBM365audit.ps1
# AUTHOR: Commenge Damien, Axians Cloud Builder
# DATE: 11/07/2022
# VERSION 1.07
# COMMENTS: This script is created to Audit Veeam backup for microsoft 365
# <N/A> is used for not available
# =======================================================

# 16/07/2022 
    Update lot of code for better performance
# 18/07/2022 
    Change date format and replace VBM to VB365
# 26/07/2022 
    Optimize path creation
# 09/08/2023 
    Add storage account
    Add backup copy
    Add encryption key
    Add Teams graph API
# 21/08/2023
    Fix issue on storage repository function with B instead of GB
# 22/08/2023
    Can get several organizations

# =======================================================

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="Veeam.Archiver.PowerShell"; ModuleVersion="6.0" }
#Date to create folder
$Date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm"
#ReportPath to create folder
#Create folder
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ReportPath -Force | Out-Null
#Report path
$HTMLReportPath = "$ReportPath\VeeamBackupMicrosoft365.html"
#Web page title
$HTMLTitle = "VBM365 report"
#Web page CSS style
    body{color:black;font-family:Vinci Sans Light;font-size:0.79em;line-height:1.25;margin:5;}
    table {border-collapse: collapse;margin-left:10px;border-radius:7px 7px 0px 0px;}
    th, td {padding: 8px;text-align: left;border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;}
    th {background-color: #006400;color: white;}
    tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2}
    table.table2 td:first-child{background-color: #A20067;color: white}

#Connect to VBO Server
Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - Connecting to VBM 365 server"
try {
    Connect-VBOServer -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - Connected to VBM 365 server"
catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]{
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - Connexion is already done"
catch {
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - $($_.Exception.message) " -ForegroundColor Red

    Get configuration Summary from Veeam Microsoft 365 server
    Get server name, OS, OS build and VBM365 version
function Get-DCVB365Summary
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Summary"

    $ServerName   = $env:COMPUTERNAME
    $ServerOS     = (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
    $OSBuild      = Get-ItemPropertyValue -path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -name 'UBR'
    $VB365build   = (Get-VBOVersion).ProductVersion
        Name            = $ServerName
        OS              = $ServerOS
        OSBuild         = $OSBuild
        VB365Version    = $VB365build

    Get configuration about organizations
    Get organization name, account used, type (on premise, hybride, O365), service (exchange, sharepoint), region, authentication (basic, modern with legacy protocol, modern), auxiliar backup account/application number
 function Get-DCVB365Organization
     Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Organization"
     $Organization = Get-VBOOrganization
     foreach ($org in $Organization)
         if ($Org.Office365ExchangeConnectionSettings)
             $OrgAuth = $org.Office365ExchangeConnectionSettings.AuthenticationType
             $OrgAuth = $org.Office365SharePointConnectionSettings.AuthenticationType
         if ($OrgAuth -eq "Basic")
             $AuxAccount = $org.backupaccounts.count
             $AuxAccount = $org.backupapplications.count
             Name            = $org.OfficeName
             Account         = $org.username
             Type            = $org.type
             Service         = $org.BackupParts
             Region          = $org.region
             Authentication  = $OrgAuth
             AuxAccount      = $AuxAccount

    Get configuration about backup job configuration
    Get job name, type, included object, excluded object, repository, proxy, schedule, active or disabled state
function Get-DCVB365BackupJob
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Backup Jobs"

    foreach ($Job in Get-VBOJob)
        #Get proxy name from associated proxy ID repository
        $JobSchedule = "<N/A>"
        if ($Job.schedulepolicy.EnableSchedule -and $Job.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "daily")
             $JobSchedule = [string]$Job.SchedulePolicy.DailyTime + " " + $Job.SchedulePolicy.DailyType
        if ($Job.schedulepolicy.EnableSchedule -and $Job.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "Periodically")
             $JobSchedule = $Job.SchedulePolicy.PeriodicallyEvery

            Name        = $Job.Name
            Type        = $Job.JobBackupType
            InclObject  = $Job.SelectedItems -join ", "
            ExclObject  = $Job.ExcludedItems -join ", "
            Repository  = $Job.Repository
            Proxy       = (Get-VBOProxy -id (Get-VBORepository -Name $Job.Repository).Proxy.Id -ExtendedView:$False).Hostname
            Schedule    = $JobSchedule
            Enabled     = $Job.IsEnabled

    Get configuration about backup copy job configuration
    Get job name, repository, backupjob linked, schedule, active or disabled state
function Get-DCVB365BackupCopyJob
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Backup copy Jobs"
    $CopyJobs = Get-VBOCopyJob
    if ($CopyJobs)
        foreach ($CopyJob in $CopyJobs)
            if ($CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "daily")
                 $JobSchedule = [string]$CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.DailyTime + " " + $CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.DailyType
            if ($CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "Periodically")
                 $JobSchedule = $CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.PeriodicallyEvery
                $JobSchedule = $CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.Type
                Name            = $
                Repository      = $CopyJob.Repository
                BackupLinked    = $
                Schedule        = $JobSchedule
                Enabled         = $CopyJob.IsEnabled
            Name            = "<N/A>"
            Repository      = "<N/A>"
            BackupLinked    = "<N/A>"
            Schedule        = "<N/A>"
            Enabled         = "<N/A>"

    Get configuration about proxy configuration
    Get proxy name, port, thread number, throttling, internet proxy used or not, internet proxy port and account
function Get-DCVB365Proxy

    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Proxy"

    foreach ($Proxy in (Get-VBOProxy -ExtendedView:$False))
        $Proxy = [PScustomObject]@{
            Name            = $Proxy.hostname
            Port            = $Proxy.port
            Thread          = $Proxy.ThreadsNumber
            Throttling      = [string]$Proxy.ThrottlingValue + " " + $Proxy.ThrottlingUnit
            IntProxyHost    = "<N/A>"
            IntProxyPort    = "<N/A>"
            IntProxyAccount = "<N/A>"
        if ($Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy)
            $Proxy.IntProxyHost     = $Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy.Host
            $Proxy.IntProxyPort     = $Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy.Port
            $Proxy.IntProxyAccount  = $Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy.User

    Get configuration about repository configuration
    Get repository name, proxy associated, path, retention type and value, repository object name and encryption
 function Get-DCVB365Repository
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Repository"
     foreach ($Repository in Get-VBORepository)
        $Proxy        =  (Get-VBOProxy -id (Get-VBORepository -name $Repository.Name).Proxy.Id -ExtendedView:$False).Hostname
        $Retention    = [string]$Repository.RetentionPeriod + " " + $Repository.RetentionType
         $ObjectName   = "<N/A>"
         if ($Repository.ObjectStorageRepository)
             $ObjectName = $Repository.ObjectStorageRepository.Name
         [int]$UsedStorage = ($Repository.Capacity - $Repository.FreeSpace) / 1GB
         [int]$TotalStorage = $Repository.Capacity / 1GB
             Name                = $Repository.Name
             Proxy               = $Proxy
             Path                = $Repository.Path
             ObjectRepository    = $ObjectName
             Retention           = $Retention
             Encryption          = $Repository.EnableObjectStorageEncryption
             'Storage(GB)'             = [String]$UsedStorage + "/" +  $TotalStorage

    Get configuration about object repository configuration
    Get repository name, folder, type, UsedSpace, size limit and if it's long term achive
 function Get-DCVB365ObjectRepository
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Object Repository"
     foreach ($ObjectStorage in Get-VBOObjectStorageRepository)
         $SizeLimit = "<N/A>"
         if ($ObjectStorage.EnableSizeLimit)
             $SizeLimit = $ObjectStorage.SizeLimit
         $UsedSpace = $ObjectStorage.UsedSpace / 1GB -as [INT]
             Name            = $
             Folder          = $ObjectStorage.Folder
             Type            = $ObjectStorage.Type
             'UsedSpace(GB)' = $UsedSpace
             SizeLimit       = $SizeLimit
             LongTerm        = $ObjectStorage.IsLongTerm

    Get configuration about license
    Get license type, expiration date, customer, contact, usage
 function Get-DCVB365License
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 License"
     $License         = (Get-VBOLicense)
     $Usage    = [string]$License.usedNumber + "/" + (Get-VBOLicense).TotalNumber
         Type        = $License.Type
         Expiration  = $License.ExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
         To          = $License.LicensedTo
         Contact     = $License.ContactPerson
         Number      = $Usage

    Get configuration about restore operator configuration
    Get role name, organization, operator, associated object, excluded object
function Get-DCVB365RestoreOperator
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Restore Operator"

    $Roles = Get-VBORbacRole
    if ($role)
        foreach ($Role in $Roles)

                $IncludedObject = "Organization"
                $ExcludedObject = "<N/A>"
                if ($Role.RoleType -ne "EntireOrganization")
                    $IncludedObject = $Role.SelectedItems.DisplayName -join ", "
                if ($Role.ExcludedItems)
                $ExcludedObject = $Role.ExcludedItems.DisplayName -join ", "
                    Role            = $Role.Name
                    Organization    = (Get-VBOOrganization -Id ($Role.OrganizationId)).Name
                    Operator        = $Role.Operators.DisplayName -join ", "
                    IncludedObject  = $IncludedObject
                    ExcludedObject  = $ExcludedObject

            Role            = "<N/A>"
            Organization    = "<N/A>"
            Operator        = "<N/A>"
            IncludedObject  = "<N/A>"
            ExcludedObject  = "<N/A>"

    Get configuration about RestAPI configuration
    Get state, token life time, port, certificate thumbprint friendly name and expiration date
function Get-DCVB365RestAPI
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 REST API"
    $RestAPI = Get-VBORestAPISettings

        Enabled             = $RestAPI.IsServiceEnabled
        CertThumbprint      = $RestAPI.CertificateThumbprint
        CertFriendlyName    = $RestAPI.CertificateFriendlyName
        CertExpiration      = $RestAPI.CertificateExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
        TokenTime           = $RestAPI.AuthTokenLifeTime
        Port                = $RestAPI.HTTPSPort

    Get configuration about Restore portal configuration
    Get state, application ID, certificate thumbprint friendly name and expiration date
 function Get-DCVB365RestorePortal
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Restore portal"
     $RestorePortal = Get-VBORestorePortalSettings
         Enabled             = $RestorePortal.IsServiceEnabled
         CertThumbprint      = $RestorePortal.CertificateThumbprint
         CertFriendlyName    = $RestorePortal.CertificateFriendlyName
         CertExpiration      = $RestorePortal.CertificateExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
         AzureApplicationID  = $RestorePortal.ApplicationId.Guid

    Get configuration about operator Authentication portal configuration
    Get state, certificate thumbprint friendly name and expiration date
 function Get-DCVB365OperatorAuthentication
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Authentication"
     $OperatorAuthentication = Get-VBOOperatorAuthenticationSettings
         Enabled             = $OperatorAuthentication.AuthenticationEnabled
         CertThumbprint      = "InFutureVersion"
         CertFriendlyName    = $OperatorAuthentication.CertificateFriendlyName
         CertExpiration      = $OperatorAuthentication.CertificateExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")

    Get configuration about internet proxy
    Get state, host, port and account
function Get-DCVB365InternetProxy
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Internet Proxy"
    $InternetProxySetting = Get-VBOInternetProxySettings

    $InternetProxy = [PScustomObject]@{
        Enabled   = $InternetProxySetting.UseInternetProxy
        Host      = "<N/A>"
        Port      = "<N/A>"
        Account   = "<N/A>"
    if ($InternetProxySetting.UseInternetProxy)
        $InternetProxy.Host    = $InternetProxySetting.Host
        $InternetProxy.Port    = $InternetProxySetting.Port
        $InternetProxy.Account = $InternetProxySetting.User

    Get configuration about SMTP
    Get state, server, port, ssl, account, type
 function Get-DCVB365SMTP
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 SMTP configuration"
     $SMTPSetting = Get-VBOEmailSettings
     $Type = if ($SMTPSetting.AuthenticationType -eq "CustomSmtp")
                 "SMTP authentication"
     $SMTP = [PScustomObject]@{
         Enabled = $SMTPSetting.EnableNotification
         Type    = "<N/A>"
         Server  = "<N/A>"
         Port    = "<N/A>"
         SSL     = "<N/A>"
         Account = "<N/A>"
     if ($SMTPSetting.EnableNotification)
         $SMTP.Type   = $Type
         if ($Type -eq "SMTP authentication") 
             $SMTP.Port   = $SMTPSetting.Port
             $SMTP.Server = $SMTPSetting.SMTPServer
             $SMTP.SSL    = $SMTPSetting.UseSSL
             if ($SMTPSetting.UseAuthentication)
                 $SMTP.Account = $SMTPSetting.Username
             $SMTP.Server = $SMTPSetting.MailApiUrl
             $SMTP.Account = $SMTPSetting.UserId

    Get configuration about Notifications
    Get state, sender, receiver, notification on success, warning and failure, send only last retry notification
function Get-DCVB365Notification

    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Notifications"
    $NotificationSetting = (Get-VBOEmailSettings)

    $Notification = [PScustomObject]@{
        Enabled     = $NotificationSetting.EnableNotification
        Sender      = "<N/A>"
        Receiver    = "<N/A>"
        Success     = "<N/A>"
        Warning     = "<N/A>"
        Failure     = "<N/A>"
        LastRetry   = "<N/A>"
    if ($NotificationSetting.EnableNotification)
        $Notification.Sender     = $NotificationSetting.From -join ", "
        $Notification.Receiver   = $NotificationSetting.To -join ", "
        $Notification.Success    = $NotificationSetting.NotifyOnSuccess
        $Notification.Warning    = $NotificationSetting.NotifyOnWarning
        $Notification.Failure    = $NotificationSetting.NotifyOnFailure
        $Notification.LastRetry  = $NotificationSetting.SupressUntilLastRetry

    Get configuration about cloud storage account
    Get account, type and description
function Get-DCVB365StorageAccount
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Cloud storage account"

    #Azure storage account
    $AzureAccount = Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount
    foreach ($account in $AzureAccount)
            Account = $Account.Name
            Type = "Azure Blob"
            Description = $Account.Description

    #Amazon storage account
    $AmazonAccount = Get-VBOAmazonS3Account
    foreach ($account in $AmazonAccount)
            Account = $Account.AccessKey
            Type = "Amazon S3"
            Description = $Account.Description
    #S3 compatible storage account
    $S3Compatible = Get-VBOAmazonS3CompatibleAccount
    foreach ($account in $S3Compatible)
            Account = $Account.AccessKey
            Type = "Amazon S3"
            Description = $Account.Description

    Get configuration about cloud storage account
    Get account, type and description
function Get-DCVB365EncryptionKey
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Encryption key"

    $EncryptionKey = Get-VBOEncryptionKey

    foreach ($obj in $EncryptionKey)
        $repository = Get-VBORepository | Where-Object {$_.ObjectStorageEncryptionKey.ID.Guid -eq $obj.Id.Guid}
            Repository = $repository.Name
            Description = $obj.Description

    Get configuration about Teams Graph API state on VBM365 and proxy
    Get Teams graph API state enabled or disabled on all proxies and Veeam 365 server
 function Get-DCVB365TeamsGraphAPIState
     Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Teams graph api state"
     #VBM365 server
         Server        = $env:COMPUTERNAME 
         TeamsGraphApi = (Get-VBOServer).IsTeamsGraphAPIBackupEnabled
     $Proxy = Get-VBOProxy 
     foreach ($obj in $Proxy)
         If ($obj.Hostname -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME)
                 Server = $obj.Hostname
                 TeamsGraphApi = $obj.IsTeamsGraphAPIBackupEnabled


   Generate HTML report
   Use all variable to build html report with CSS style 
   Get-HTMLReport -Path "C:\temp\report.html"

Function Get-HTMLReport

        #HTML file path

    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Building HTML"
    #region HTML
    # chrisdent: STYLE: In the code below `CreateArray` is something of a misleading function name.
    # chrisdent: ENHANCEMENT: Perhaps consider using a string builder.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  "">
    <html xmlns="">

    <h1>VEEAM Backup for Microsoft 365 Report</h1>

    <h3> Summary </h3>

    <h3> License </h3>

    <h3> SMTP </h3>

    <h3> Notification </h3>

    <h3> Web Proxy </h3>

    <h3> REST API </h3>

    <h3> Restore portal </h3>

    <h3> Restore operator authentication </h3>

    <h3> Repository </h3>

    <h3> Object Repository </h3>

    <h3> Organisation </h3>

    <h3> Proxy </h3>

    <h3> Backup job </h3>

    <h3> Backup copy job </h3>

    <h3> Restore operators </h3>

    <h3> Cloud storage account </h3>

    <h3> Encryption key </h3>

    <h3> Teams graph API state </h3>

"@ | Out-File -FilePath $HTMLReportPath

    Invoke-Item $HTMLReportPath


#Write here all function that need to be displayed in all reports types

$DCVB365Summary                   = Get-DCVB365Summary | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Organization              = Get-DCVB365Organization | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365BackupJob                 = Get-DCVB365BackupJob | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Proxy                     = Get-DCVB365Proxy | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Repository                = Get-DCVB365Repository | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365License                   = Get-DCVB365License | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365RestoreOperator           = Get-DCVB365RestoreOperator | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365RestAPI                   = Get-DCVB365RestAPI  | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365RestorePortal             = Get-DCVB365RestorePortal | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365OperatorAuthentication    = Get-DCVB365OperatorAuthentication | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365InternetProxy             = Get-DCVB365InternetProxy | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365SMTP                      = Get-DCVB365SMTP | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Notification              = Get-DCVB365Notification | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365ObjectRepository          = Get-DCVB365ObjectRepository | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365BackupCopyJob             = Get-DCVB365BackupCopyJob | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365StorageAccount            = Get-DCVB365StorageAccount | Sort-object Type | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365EncryptionKey             = Get-DCVB365EncryptionKey | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365TeamsGraphAPIState        = Get-DCVB365TeamsGraphAPIState | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment

#Create HTML Report.
Get-HTMLReport -Path $HTMLReportPath


Posts: 45
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Joined: Apr 10, 2018 2:24 pm
Full Name: Peter Camps

Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by PeterC »

Hello Matteu,

Found your script this morning and am looking if we can make use of this.
I am definitely no powershell guru so if I ask a dumb question, forgive me.

I tried the script just now in our test environment and the Proxy section (Get-DCVB365Proxy) just shows 1 proxy (the VBO itself).
But we are using 5 extra proxyservers, the VBO itself is not used in any of the jobs.
When I run the part (Get-VBOProxy -Extendedview:$False) it shows all servers. But when running the function it only shows 1 proxy.

Any idea?


Posts: 45
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Joined: Apr 10, 2018 2:24 pm
Full Name: Peter Camps

Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by PeterC » 1 person likes this post

Just found the problem;

$Proxy = [PScustomObject]@{
Name = $Proxy.hostname
Port = $Proxy.port
Thread = $Proxy.ThreadsNumber
Throttling = [string]$Proxy.ThrottlingValue + " " + $Proxy.ThrottlingUnit
IntProxyHost = "<N/A>"
IntProxyPort = "<N/A>"
IntProxyAccount = "<N/A>"

Changed it to:

Name = $Proxy.hostname
Port = $Proxy.port
Thread = $Proxy.ThreadsNumber
Throttling = [string]$Proxy.ThrottlingValue + " " + $Proxy.ThrottlingUnit
IntProxyHost = "<N/A>"
IntProxyPort = "<N/A>"
IntProxyAccount = "<N/A>"

And removed $Proxy in the lower part of the function. Hope that I am correct
Veeam Legend
Posts: 802
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Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by matteu »

Hello, thanks for trying it and give a feedback :)

You're totally right, I made a mistake here and I fix it on this new version as you suggest. It's correct :). I should have put the $proxy inside the foreach loop for it to work correctly or just remove it from both side but $proxy was a really bad choice because it's the same variable used as the loop.
New version here

Code: Select all

# =======================================================
# NAME: VBM365audit.ps1
# AUTHOR: Commenge Damien, Axians Cloud Builder
# DATE: 11/07/2022
# VERSION 1.08
# COMMENTS: This script is created to Audit Veeam backup for microsoft 365
# <N/A> is used for not available
# =======================================================

# 16/07/2022 
    Update lot of code for better performance
# 18/07/2022 
    Change date format and replace VBM to VB365
# 26/07/2022 
    Optimize path creation
# 09/08/2023 
    Add storage account
    Add backup copy
    Add encryption key
    Add Teams graph API
    Add modern authentication notifications
# 21/08/2023
    Fix issue on storage repository function with B instead of GB
# 22/08/2023
    Can get several organizations
# 25/08/2023
    Fix issue on Get-DCVB365Proxy reporting only 1 proxy

# =======================================================

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="Veeam.Archiver.PowerShell"; ModuleVersion="6.0" }
#Date to create folder
$Date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm"
#ReportPath to create folder
#Create folder
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ReportPath -Force | Out-Null
#Report path
$HTMLReportPath = "$ReportPath\VeeamBackupMicrosoft365.html"
#Web page title
$HTMLTitle = "VBM365 report"
#Web page CSS style
    body{color:black;font-family:Vinci Sans Light;font-size:0.79em;line-height:1.25;margin:5;}
    table {border-collapse: collapse;margin-left:10px;border-radius:7px 7px 0px 0px;}
    th, td {padding: 8px;text-align: left;border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;}
    th {background-color: #006400;color: white;}
    tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2}
    table.table2 td:first-child{background-color: #A20067;color: white}

#Connect to VBO Server
Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - Connecting to VBM 365 server"
try {
    Connect-VBOServer -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - Connected to VBM 365 server"
catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]{
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - Connexion is already done"
catch {
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - $($_.Exception.message) " -ForegroundColor Red

    Get configuration Summary from Veeam Microsoft 365 server
    Get server name, OS, OS build and VBM365 version
function Get-DCVB365Summary
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Summary"

    $ServerName   = $env:COMPUTERNAME
    $ServerOS     = (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
    $OSBuild      = Get-ItemPropertyValue -path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -name 'UBR'
    $VB365build   = (Get-VBOVersion).ProductVersion
        Name            = $ServerName
        OS              = $ServerOS
        OSBuild         = $OSBuild
        VB365Version    = $VB365build

    Get configuration about organizations
    Get organization name, account used, type (on premise, hybride, O365), service (exchange, sharepoint), region, authentication (basic, modern with legacy protocol, modern), auxiliar backup account/application number
 function Get-DCVB365Organization
     Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Organization"
     $Organization = Get-VBOOrganization
     foreach ($org in $Organization)
         if ($Org.Office365ExchangeConnectionSettings)
             $OrgAuth = $org.Office365ExchangeConnectionSettings.AuthenticationType
             $OrgAuth = $org.Office365SharePointConnectionSettings.AuthenticationType
         if ($OrgAuth -eq "Basic")
             $AuxAccount = $org.backupaccounts.count
             $AuxAccount = $org.backupapplications.count
             Name            = $org.OfficeName
             Account         = $org.username
             Type            = $org.type
             Service         = $org.BackupParts
             Region          = $org.region
             Authentication  = $OrgAuth
             AuxAccount      = $AuxAccount

    Get configuration about backup job configuration
    Get job name, type, included object, excluded object, repository, proxy, schedule, active or disabled state
function Get-DCVB365BackupJob
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Backup Jobs"

    foreach ($Job in Get-VBOJob)
        #Get proxy name from associated proxy ID repository
        $JobSchedule = "<N/A>"
        if ($Job.schedulepolicy.EnableSchedule -and $Job.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "daily")
             $JobSchedule = [string]$Job.SchedulePolicy.DailyTime + " " + $Job.SchedulePolicy.DailyType
        if ($Job.schedulepolicy.EnableSchedule -and $Job.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "Periodically")
             $JobSchedule = $Job.SchedulePolicy.PeriodicallyEvery

            Name        = $Job.Name
            Type        = $Job.JobBackupType
            InclObject  = $Job.SelectedItems -join ", "
            ExclObject  = $Job.ExcludedItems -join ", "
            Repository  = $Job.Repository
            Proxy       = (Get-VBOProxy -id (Get-VBORepository -Name $Job.Repository).Proxy.Id -ExtendedView:$False).Hostname
            Schedule    = $JobSchedule
            Enabled     = $Job.IsEnabled

    Get configuration about backup copy job configuration
    Get job name, repository, backupjob linked, schedule, active or disabled state
function Get-DCVB365BackupCopyJob
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Backup copy Jobs"
    $CopyJobs = Get-VBOCopyJob
    if ($CopyJobs)
        foreach ($CopyJob in $CopyJobs)
            if ($CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "daily")
                 $JobSchedule = [string]$CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.DailyTime + " " + $CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.DailyType
            if ($CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "Periodically")
                 $JobSchedule = $CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.PeriodicallyEvery
                $JobSchedule = $CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.Type
                Name            = $
                Repository      = $CopyJob.Repository
                BackupLinked    = $
                Schedule        = $JobSchedule
                Enabled         = $CopyJob.IsEnabled
            Name            = "<N/A>"
            Repository      = "<N/A>"
            BackupLinked    = "<N/A>"
            Schedule        = "<N/A>"
            Enabled         = "<N/A>"

    Get configuration about proxy configuration
    Get proxy name, port, thread number, throttling, internet proxy used or not, internet proxy port and account
 function Get-DCVB365Proxy
     Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Proxy"
     foreach ($Proxy in (Get-VBOProxy -ExtendedView:$False))
             Name            = $Proxy.hostname
             Port            = $Proxy.port
             Thread          = $Proxy.ThreadsNumber
             Throttling      = [string]$Proxy.ThrottlingValue + " " + $Proxy.ThrottlingUnit
             IntProxyHost    = "<N/A>"
             IntProxyPort    = "<N/A>"
             IntProxyAccount = "<N/A>"
         if ($Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy)
             $Proxy.IntProxyHost     = $Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy.Host
             $Proxy.IntProxyPort     = $Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy.Port
             $Proxy.IntProxyAccount  = $Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy.User

    Get configuration about repository configuration
    Get repository name, proxy associated, path, retention type and value, repository object name and encryption
 function Get-DCVB365Repository
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Repository"
     foreach ($Repository in Get-VBORepository)
        $Proxy        =  (Get-VBOProxy -id (Get-VBORepository -name $Repository.Name).Proxy.Id -ExtendedView:$False).Hostname
        $Retention    = [string]$Repository.RetentionPeriod + " " + $Repository.RetentionType
         $ObjectName   = "<N/A>"
         if ($Repository.ObjectStorageRepository)
             $ObjectName = $Repository.ObjectStorageRepository.Name
         [int]$UsedStorage = ($Repository.Capacity - $Repository.FreeSpace) / 1GB
         [int]$TotalStorage = $Repository.Capacity / 1GB
             Name                = $Repository.Name
             Proxy               = $Proxy
             Path                = $Repository.Path
             ObjectRepository    = $ObjectName
             Retention           = $Retention
             Encryption          = $Repository.EnableObjectStorageEncryption
             'Storage(GB)'             = [String]$UsedStorage + "/" +  $TotalStorage

    Get configuration about object repository configuration
    Get repository name, folder, type, UsedSpace, size limit and if it's long term achive
 function Get-DCVB365ObjectRepository
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Object Repository"
     foreach ($ObjectStorage in Get-VBOObjectStorageRepository)
         $SizeLimit = "<N/A>"
         if ($ObjectStorage.EnableSizeLimit)
             $SizeLimit = $ObjectStorage.SizeLimit
         $UsedSpace = $ObjectStorage.UsedSpace / 1GB -as [INT]
             Name            = $
             Folder          = $ObjectStorage.Folder
             Type            = $ObjectStorage.Type
             'UsedSpace(GB)' = $UsedSpace
             SizeLimit       = $SizeLimit
             LongTerm        = $ObjectStorage.IsLongTerm

    Get configuration about license
    Get license type, expiration date, customer, contact, usage
 function Get-DCVB365License
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 License"
     $License         = (Get-VBOLicense)
     $Usage    = [string]$License.usedNumber + "/" + (Get-VBOLicense).TotalNumber
         Type        = $License.Type
         Expiration  = $License.ExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
         To          = $License.LicensedTo
         Contact     = $License.ContactPerson
         Number      = $Usage

    Get configuration about restore operator configuration
    Get role name, organization, operator, associated object, excluded object
function Get-DCVB365RestoreOperator
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Restore Operator"

    $Roles = Get-VBORbacRole
    if ($role)
        foreach ($Role in $Roles)

                $IncludedObject = "Organization"
                $ExcludedObject = "<N/A>"
                if ($Role.RoleType -ne "EntireOrganization")
                    $IncludedObject = $Role.SelectedItems.DisplayName -join ", "
                if ($Role.ExcludedItems)
                $ExcludedObject = $Role.ExcludedItems.DisplayName -join ", "
                    Role            = $Role.Name
                    Organization    = (Get-VBOOrganization -Id ($Role.OrganizationId)).Name
                    Operator        = $Role.Operators.DisplayName -join ", "
                    IncludedObject  = $IncludedObject
                    ExcludedObject  = $ExcludedObject

            Role            = "<N/A>"
            Organization    = "<N/A>"
            Operator        = "<N/A>"
            IncludedObject  = "<N/A>"
            ExcludedObject  = "<N/A>"

    Get configuration about RestAPI configuration
    Get state, token life time, port, certificate thumbprint friendly name and expiration date
function Get-DCVB365RestAPI
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 REST API"
    $RestAPI = Get-VBORestAPISettings

        Enabled             = $RestAPI.IsServiceEnabled
        CertThumbprint      = $RestAPI.CertificateThumbprint
        CertFriendlyName    = $RestAPI.CertificateFriendlyName
        CertExpiration      = $RestAPI.CertificateExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
        TokenTime           = $RestAPI.AuthTokenLifeTime
        Port                = $RestAPI.HTTPSPort

    Get configuration about Restore portal configuration
    Get state, application ID, certificate thumbprint friendly name and expiration date
 function Get-DCVB365RestorePortal
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Restore portal"
     $RestorePortal = Get-VBORestorePortalSettings
         Enabled             = $RestorePortal.IsServiceEnabled
         CertThumbprint      = $RestorePortal.CertificateThumbprint
         CertFriendlyName    = $RestorePortal.CertificateFriendlyName
         CertExpiration      = $RestorePortal.CertificateExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
         AzureApplicationID  = $RestorePortal.ApplicationId.Guid

    Get configuration about operator Authentication portal configuration
    Get state, certificate thumbprint friendly name and expiration date
 function Get-DCVB365OperatorAuthentication
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Authentication"
     $OperatorAuthentication = Get-VBOOperatorAuthenticationSettings
         Enabled             = $OperatorAuthentication.AuthenticationEnabled
         CertThumbprint      = "InFutureVersion"
         CertFriendlyName    = $OperatorAuthentication.CertificateFriendlyName
         CertExpiration      = $OperatorAuthentication.CertificateExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")

    Get configuration about internet proxy
    Get state, host, port and account
function Get-DCVB365InternetProxy
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Internet Proxy"
    $InternetProxySetting = Get-VBOInternetProxySettings

    $InternetProxy = [PScustomObject]@{
        Enabled   = $InternetProxySetting.UseInternetProxy
        Host      = "<N/A>"
        Port      = "<N/A>"
        Account   = "<N/A>"
    if ($InternetProxySetting.UseInternetProxy)
        $InternetProxy.Host    = $InternetProxySetting.Host
        $InternetProxy.Port    = $InternetProxySetting.Port
        $InternetProxy.Account = $InternetProxySetting.User

    Get configuration about SMTP
    Get state, server, port, ssl, account, type
 function Get-DCVB365SMTP
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 SMTP configuration"
     $SMTPSetting = Get-VBOEmailSettings
     $Type = if ($SMTPSetting.AuthenticationType -eq "CustomSmtp")
                 "SMTP authentication"
     $SMTP = [PScustomObject]@{
         Enabled = $SMTPSetting.EnableNotification
         Type    = "<N/A>"
         Server  = "<N/A>"
         Port    = "<N/A>"
         SSL     = "<N/A>"
         Account = "<N/A>"
     if ($SMTPSetting.EnableNotification)
         $SMTP.Type   = $Type
         if ($Type -eq "SMTP authentication") 
             $SMTP.Port   = $SMTPSetting.Port
             $SMTP.Server = $SMTPSetting.SMTPServer
             $SMTP.SSL    = $SMTPSetting.UseSSL
             if ($SMTPSetting.UseAuthentication)
                 $SMTP.Account = $SMTPSetting.Username
             $SMTP.Server = $SMTPSetting.MailApiUrl
             $SMTP.Account = $SMTPSetting.UserId

    Get configuration about Notifications
    Get state, sender, receiver, notification on success, warning and failure, send only last retry notification
function Get-DCVB365Notification

    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Notifications"
    $NotificationSetting = (Get-VBOEmailSettings)

    $Notification = [PScustomObject]@{
        Enabled     = $NotificationSetting.EnableNotification
        Sender      = "<N/A>"
        Receiver    = "<N/A>"
        Success     = "<N/A>"
        Warning     = "<N/A>"
        Failure     = "<N/A>"
        LastRetry   = "<N/A>"
    if ($NotificationSetting.EnableNotification)
        $Notification.Sender     = $NotificationSetting.From -join ", "
        $Notification.Receiver   = $NotificationSetting.To -join ", "
        $Notification.Success    = $NotificationSetting.NotifyOnSuccess
        $Notification.Warning    = $NotificationSetting.NotifyOnWarning
        $Notification.Failure    = $NotificationSetting.NotifyOnFailure
        $Notification.LastRetry  = $NotificationSetting.SupressUntilLastRetry

    Get configuration about cloud storage account
    Get account, type and description
function Get-DCVB365StorageAccount
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Cloud storage account"

    #Azure storage account
    $AzureAccount = Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount
    foreach ($account in $AzureAccount)
            Account = $Account.Name
            Type = "Azure Blob"
            Description = $Account.Description

    #Amazon storage account
    $AmazonAccount = Get-VBOAmazonS3Account
    foreach ($account in $AmazonAccount)
            Account = $Account.AccessKey
            Type = "Amazon S3"
            Description = $Account.Description
    #S3 compatible storage account
    $S3Compatible = Get-VBOAmazonS3CompatibleAccount
    foreach ($account in $S3Compatible)
            Account = $Account.AccessKey
            Type = "Amazon S3"
            Description = $Account.Description

    Get configuration about cloud storage account
    Get account, type and description
function Get-DCVB365EncryptionKey
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Encryption key"

    $EncryptionKey = Get-VBOEncryptionKey

    foreach ($obj in $EncryptionKey)
        $repository = Get-VBORepository | Where-Object {$_.ObjectStorageEncryptionKey.ID.Guid -eq $obj.Id.Guid}
            Repository = $repository.Name
            Description = $obj.Description

    Get configuration about Teams Graph API state on VBM365 and proxy
    Get Teams graph API state enabled or disabled on all proxies and Veeam 365 server
 function Get-DCVB365TeamsGraphAPIState
     Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Teams graph api state"
     #VBM365 server
         Server        = $env:COMPUTERNAME 
         TeamsGraphApi = (Get-VBOServer).IsTeamsGraphAPIBackupEnabled
     $Proxy = Get-VBOProxy 
     foreach ($obj in $Proxy)
         If ($obj.Hostname -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME)
                 Server = $obj.Hostname
                 TeamsGraphApi = $obj.IsTeamsGraphAPIBackupEnabled


   Generate HTML report
   Use all variable to build html report with CSS style 
   Get-HTMLReport -Path "C:\temp\report.html"

Function Get-HTMLReport

        #HTML file path

    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Building HTML"
    #region HTML
    # chrisdent: STYLE: In the code below `CreateArray` is something of a misleading function name.
    # chrisdent: ENHANCEMENT: Perhaps consider using a string builder.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  "">
    <html xmlns="">

    <h1>VEEAM Backup for Microsoft 365 Report</h1>

    <h3> Summary </h3>

    <h3> License </h3>

    <h3> SMTP </h3>

    <h3> Notification </h3>

    <h3> Web Proxy </h3>

    <h3> REST API </h3>

    <h3> Restore portal </h3>

    <h3> Restore operator authentication </h3>

    <h3> Repository </h3>

    <h3> Object Repository </h3>

    <h3> Organisation </h3>

    <h3> Proxy </h3>

    <h3> Backup job </h3>

    <h3> Backup copy job </h3>

    <h3> Restore operators </h3>

    <h3> Cloud storage account </h3>

    <h3> Encryption key </h3>

    <h3> Teams graph API state </h3>

"@ | Out-File -FilePath $HTMLReportPath

    Invoke-Item $HTMLReportPath


#Write here all function that need to be displayed in all reports types

$DCVB365Summary                   = Get-DCVB365Summary | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Organization              = Get-DCVB365Organization | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365BackupJob                 = Get-DCVB365BackupJob | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Proxy                     = Get-DCVB365Proxy | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Repository                = Get-DCVB365Repository | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365License                   = Get-DCVB365License | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365RestoreOperator           = Get-DCVB365RestoreOperator | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365RestAPI                   = Get-DCVB365RestAPI  | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365RestorePortal             = Get-DCVB365RestorePortal | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365OperatorAuthentication    = Get-DCVB365OperatorAuthentication | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365InternetProxy             = Get-DCVB365InternetProxy | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365SMTP                      = Get-DCVB365SMTP | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Notification              = Get-DCVB365Notification | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365ObjectRepository          = Get-DCVB365ObjectRepository | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365BackupCopyJob             = Get-DCVB365BackupCopyJob | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365StorageAccount            = Get-DCVB365StorageAccount | Sort-object Type | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365EncryptionKey             = Get-DCVB365EncryptionKey | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365TeamsGraphAPIState        = Get-DCVB365TeamsGraphAPIState | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment

#Create HTML Report.
Get-HTMLReport -Path $HTMLReportPath


Posts: 45
Liked: 12 times
Joined: Apr 10, 2018 2:24 pm
Full Name: Peter Camps

Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by PeterC »

Hi Matteu,

Thanks for your last reply and update. I have 1 more question.

When i have a job and the the object to backup is a security group (dynamic group in the Azure tenant) you don get this as $Job.selecteditems in the output.
The $ shows you the groupname I am looking for. But offcourse this does not work for jobs with single objects selected.

Is this something you can work into your script?

Hope to hear from you

Veeam Legend
Posts: 802
Liked: 126 times
Joined: May 11, 2018 8:42 am

Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by matteu »


I hope it's working fine on my last version.
I update it again for what you want.

Carefull : If there is the character ";" inside organisation name, group name, user name or teams name, result can be unexpected !

This is the last version :

Code: Select all

# =======================================================
# NAME: VBM365audit.ps1
# AUTHOR: Commenge Damien, Axians Cloud Builder
# DATE: 11/07/2022
# VERSION 1.09
# COMMENTS: This script is created to Audit Veeam backup for microsoft 365
# <N/A> is used for not available
# =======================================================

# 16/07/2022 
    Update lot of code for better performance
# 18/07/2022 
    Change date format and replace VBM to VB365
# 26/07/2022 
    Optimize path creation
# 09/08/2023 
    Add storage account
    Add backup copy
    Add encryption key
    Add Teams graph API
    Add modern authentication notifications
# 21/08/2023
    Fix issue on storage repository function with B instead of GB
# 22/08/2023
    Can get several organizations
# 25/08/2023
    Fix issue on Get-DCVB365Proxy reporting only 1 proxy
# 31/08/2023
    Get included and excluded object in backup job

# =======================================================

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="Veeam.Archiver.PowerShell"; ModuleVersion="6.0" }
#Date to create folder
$Date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm"
#ReportPath to create folder
#Create folder
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ReportPath -Force | Out-Null
#Report path
$HTMLReportPath = "$ReportPath\VeeamBackupMicrosoft365.html"
#Web page title
$HTMLTitle = "VBM365 report"
#Web page CSS style
    body{color:black;font-family:Vinci Sans Light;font-size:0.79em;line-height:1.25;margin:5;}
    table {border-collapse: collapse;margin-left:10px;border-radius:7px 7px 0px 0px;}
    th, td {padding: 8px;text-align: left;border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;}
    th {background-color: #006400;color: white;}
    tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2}
    table.table2 td:first-child{background-color: #A20067;color: white}

#Connect to VBO Server
Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - Connecting to VBM 365 server"
try {
    Connect-VBOServer -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - Connected to VBM 365 server"
catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]{
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - Connexion is already done"
catch {
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - $($_.Exception.message) " -ForegroundColor Red

    Get configuration Summary from Veeam Microsoft 365 server
    Get server name, OS, OS build and VBM365 version
function Get-DCVB365Summary
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Summary"

    $ServerName   = $env:COMPUTERNAME
    $ServerOS     = (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
    $OSBuild      = Get-ItemPropertyValue -path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -name 'UBR'
    $VB365build   = (Get-VBOVersion).ProductVersion
        Name            = $ServerName
        OS              = $ServerOS
        OSBuild         = $OSBuild
        VB365Version    = $VB365build

    Get configuration about organizations
    Get organization name, account used, type (on premise, hybride, O365), service (exchange, sharepoint), region, authentication (basic, modern with legacy protocol, modern), auxiliar backup account/application number
 function Get-DCVB365Organization
     Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Organization"
     $Organization = Get-VBOOrganization
     foreach ($org in $Organization)
         if ($Org.Office365ExchangeConnectionSettings)
             $OrgAuth = $org.Office365ExchangeConnectionSettings.AuthenticationType
             $OrgAuth = $org.Office365SharePointConnectionSettings.AuthenticationType
         if ($OrgAuth -eq "Basic")
             $AuxAccount = $org.backupaccounts.count
             $AuxAccount = $org.backupapplications.count
             Name            = $org.OfficeName
             Account         = $org.username
             Type            = $org.type
             Service         = $org.BackupParts
             Region          = $org.region
             Authentication  = $OrgAuth
             AuxAccount      = $AuxAccount

    Get configuration about backup job configuration
    Get job name, type, included object, excluded object, repository, proxy, schedule, active or disabled state
 function Get-DCVB365BackupJob
     Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Backup Jobs"
     foreach ($Job in Get-VBOJob)
         #Get proxy name from associated proxy ID repository
         $JobSchedule = "<N/A>"
         if ($Job.schedulepolicy.EnableSchedule -and $Job.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "daily")
              $JobSchedule = [string]$Job.SchedulePolicy.DailyTime + " " + $Job.SchedulePolicy.DailyType
         if ($Job.schedulepolicy.EnableSchedule -and $Job.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "Periodically")
              $JobSchedule = $Job.SchedulePolicy.PeriodicallyEvery
         $InclObject = foreach ($obj in $Job.SelectedItems)
                             switch ($obj.Type) {
                                 "O365Group"     { "Group - {0}" -f $obj.Group.DisplayName }
                                 "Organization"  { "Organization - {0}" -f $obj.Organization.Name }
                                 "User"          { "User - {0}" -f $obj.User.DisplayName }
                                 "Site"          { "Sharepoint - {0}" -f $obj.Site.Name }
                                 "Team"          { "Teams - {0}" -f $obj.Team.DisplayName }
         $ExclObject = foreach ($obj in $Job.ExcludedItems)
                     switch ($obj.Type) {
                         "O365Group"     { "Group - {0}" -f $obj.Group.DisplayName }
                         "Organization"  { "Organization - {0}" -f $obj.Organization.Name }
                         "User"          { "User - {0}" -f $obj.User.DisplayName }
                         "Site"          { "Sharepoint - {0}" -f $obj.Site.Name }
                         "Team"          { "Teams - {0}" -f $obj.Team.DisplayName }
             Name        = $Job.Name
             InclObject  = $InclObject -join ";"
             ExclObject  = $ExclObject -join ";"
             Repository  = $Job.Repository
             Proxy       = (Get-VBOProxy -id (Get-VBORepository -Name $Job.Repository).Proxy.Id -ExtendedView:$False).Hostname
             Schedule    = $JobSchedule
             Enabled     = $Job.IsEnabled
    Get configuration about backup copy job configuration
    Get job name, repository, backupjob linked, schedule, active or disabled state
function Get-DCVB365BackupCopyJob
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Backup copy Jobs"
    $CopyJobs = Get-VBOCopyJob
    if ($CopyJobs)
        foreach ($CopyJob in $CopyJobs)
            if ($CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "daily")
                 $JobSchedule = [string]$CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.DailyTime + " " + $CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.DailyType
            if ($CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.Type -eq "Periodically")
                 $JobSchedule = $CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.PeriodicallyEvery
                $JobSchedule = $CopyJob.SchedulePolicy.Type
                Name            = $
                Repository      = $CopyJob.Repository
                BackupLinked    = $
                Schedule        = $JobSchedule
                Enabled         = $CopyJob.IsEnabled
            Name            = "<N/A>"
            Repository      = "<N/A>"
            BackupLinked    = "<N/A>"
            Schedule        = "<N/A>"
            Enabled         = "<N/A>"

    Get configuration about proxy configuration
    Get proxy name, port, thread number, throttling, internet proxy used or not, internet proxy port and account
 function Get-DCVB365Proxy
     Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Proxy"
     foreach ($Proxy in (Get-VBOProxy -ExtendedView:$False))
             Name            = $Proxy.hostname
             Port            = $Proxy.port
             Thread          = $Proxy.ThreadsNumber
             Throttling      = [string]$Proxy.ThrottlingValue + " " + $Proxy.ThrottlingUnit
             IntProxyHost    = "<N/A>"
             IntProxyPort    = "<N/A>"
             IntProxyAccount = "<N/A>"
         if ($Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy)
             $Proxy.IntProxyHost     = $Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy.Host
             $Proxy.IntProxyPort     = $Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy.Port
             $Proxy.IntProxyAccount  = $Proxy.InternetProxy.UseInternetProxy.User

    Get configuration about repository configuration
    Get repository name, proxy associated, path, retention type and value, repository object name and encryption
 function Get-DCVB365Repository
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Repository"
     foreach ($Repository in Get-VBORepository)
        $Proxy        =  (Get-VBOProxy -id (Get-VBORepository -name $Repository.Name).Proxy.Id -ExtendedView:$False).Hostname
        $Retention    = [string]$Repository.RetentionPeriod + " " + $Repository.RetentionType
         $ObjectName   = "<N/A>"
         if ($Repository.ObjectStorageRepository)
             $ObjectName = $Repository.ObjectStorageRepository.Name
         [int]$UsedStorage = ($Repository.Capacity - $Repository.FreeSpace) / 1GB
         [int]$TotalStorage = $Repository.Capacity / 1GB
             Name                = $Repository.Name
             Proxy               = $Proxy
             Path                = $Repository.Path
             ObjectRepository    = $ObjectName
             Retention           = $Retention
             Encryption          = $Repository.EnableObjectStorageEncryption
             'Storage(GB)'             = [String]$UsedStorage + "/" +  $TotalStorage

    Get configuration about object repository configuration
    Get repository name, folder, type, UsedSpace, size limit and if it's long term achive
 function Get-DCVB365ObjectRepository
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Object Repository"
     foreach ($ObjectStorage in Get-VBOObjectStorageRepository)
         $SizeLimit = "<N/A>"
         if ($ObjectStorage.EnableSizeLimit)
             $SizeLimit = $ObjectStorage.SizeLimit
         $UsedSpace = $ObjectStorage.UsedSpace / 1GB -as [INT]
             Name            = $
             Folder          = $ObjectStorage.Folder
             Type            = $ObjectStorage.Type
             'UsedSpace(GB)' = $UsedSpace
             SizeLimit       = $SizeLimit
             LongTerm        = $ObjectStorage.IsLongTerm

    Get configuration about license
    Get license type, expiration date, customer, contact, usage
 function Get-DCVB365License
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 License"
     $License         = (Get-VBOLicense)
     $Usage    = [string]$License.usedNumber + "/" + (Get-VBOLicense).TotalNumber
         Type        = $License.Type
         Expiration  = $License.ExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
         To          = $License.LicensedTo
         Contact     = $License.ContactPerson
         Number      = $Usage

    Get configuration about restore operator configuration
    Get role name, organization, operator, associated object, excluded object
function Get-DCVB365RestoreOperator
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Restore Operator"

    $Roles = Get-VBORbacRole
    if ($role)
        foreach ($Role in $Roles)

                $IncludedObject = "Organization"
                $ExcludedObject = "<N/A>"
                if ($Role.RoleType -ne "EntireOrganization")
                    $IncludedObject = $Role.SelectedItems.DisplayName -join ", "
                if ($Role.ExcludedItems)
                $ExcludedObject = $Role.ExcludedItems.DisplayName -join ", "
                    Role            = $Role.Name
                    Organization    = (Get-VBOOrganization -Id ($Role.OrganizationId)).Name
                    Operator        = $Role.Operators.DisplayName -join ", "
                    IncludedObject  = $IncludedObject
                    ExcludedObject  = $ExcludedObject

            Role            = "<N/A>"
            Organization    = "<N/A>"
            Operator        = "<N/A>"
            IncludedObject  = "<N/A>"
            ExcludedObject  = "<N/A>"

    Get configuration about RestAPI configuration
    Get state, token life time, port, certificate thumbprint friendly name and expiration date
function Get-DCVB365RestAPI
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 REST API"
    $RestAPI = Get-VBORestAPISettings

        Enabled             = $RestAPI.IsServiceEnabled
        CertThumbprint      = $RestAPI.CertificateThumbprint
        CertFriendlyName    = $RestAPI.CertificateFriendlyName
        CertExpiration      = $RestAPI.CertificateExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
        TokenTime           = $RestAPI.AuthTokenLifeTime
        Port                = $RestAPI.HTTPSPort

    Get configuration about Restore portal configuration
    Get state, application ID, certificate thumbprint friendly name and expiration date
 function Get-DCVB365RestorePortal
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Restore portal"
     $RestorePortal = Get-VBORestorePortalSettings
         Enabled             = $RestorePortal.IsServiceEnabled
         CertThumbprint      = $RestorePortal.CertificateThumbprint
         CertFriendlyName    = $RestorePortal.CertificateFriendlyName
         CertExpiration      = $RestorePortal.CertificateExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
         AzureApplicationID  = $RestorePortal.ApplicationId.Guid

    Get configuration about operator Authentication portal configuration
    Get state, certificate thumbprint friendly name and expiration date
 function Get-DCVB365OperatorAuthentication
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Authentication"
     $OperatorAuthentication = Get-VBOOperatorAuthenticationSettings
         Enabled             = $OperatorAuthentication.AuthenticationEnabled
         CertThumbprint      = "InFutureVersion"
         CertFriendlyName    = $OperatorAuthentication.CertificateFriendlyName
         CertExpiration      = $OperatorAuthentication.CertificateExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")

    Get configuration about internet proxy
    Get state, host, port and account
function Get-DCVB365InternetProxy
    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Internet Proxy"
    $InternetProxySetting = Get-VBOInternetProxySettings

    $InternetProxy = [PScustomObject]@{
        Enabled   = $InternetProxySetting.UseInternetProxy
        Host      = "<N/A>"
        Port      = "<N/A>"
        Account   = "<N/A>"
    if ($InternetProxySetting.UseInternetProxy)
        $InternetProxy.Host    = $InternetProxySetting.Host
        $InternetProxy.Port    = $InternetProxySetting.Port
        $InternetProxy.Account = $InternetProxySetting.User

    Get configuration about SMTP
    Get state, server, port, ssl, account, type
 function Get-DCVB365SMTP
     Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 SMTP configuration"
     $SMTPSetting = Get-VBOEmailSettings
     $Type = if ($SMTPSetting.AuthenticationType -eq "CustomSmtp")
                 "SMTP authentication"
     $SMTP = [PScustomObject]@{
         Enabled = $SMTPSetting.EnableNotification
         Type    = "<N/A>"
         Server  = "<N/A>"
         Port    = "<N/A>"
         SSL     = "<N/A>"
         Account = "<N/A>"
     if ($SMTPSetting.EnableNotification)
         $SMTP.Type   = $Type
         if ($Type -eq "SMTP authentication") 
             $SMTP.Port   = $SMTPSetting.Port
             $SMTP.Server = $SMTPSetting.SMTPServer
             $SMTP.SSL    = $SMTPSetting.UseSSL
             if ($SMTPSetting.UseAuthentication)
                 $SMTP.Account = $SMTPSetting.Username
             $SMTP.Server = $SMTPSetting.MailApiUrl
             $SMTP.Account = $SMTPSetting.UserId

    Get configuration about Notifications
    Get state, sender, receiver, notification on success, warning and failure, send only last retry notification
function Get-DCVB365Notification

    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Notifications"
    $NotificationSetting = (Get-VBOEmailSettings)

    $Notification = [PScustomObject]@{
        Enabled     = $NotificationSetting.EnableNotification
        Sender      = "<N/A>"
        Receiver    = "<N/A>"
        Success     = "<N/A>"
        Warning     = "<N/A>"
        Failure     = "<N/A>"
        LastRetry   = "<N/A>"
    if ($NotificationSetting.EnableNotification)
        $Notification.Sender     = $NotificationSetting.From -join ", "
        $Notification.Receiver   = $NotificationSetting.To -join ", "
        $Notification.Success    = $NotificationSetting.NotifyOnSuccess
        $Notification.Warning    = $NotificationSetting.NotifyOnWarning
        $Notification.Failure    = $NotificationSetting.NotifyOnFailure
        $Notification.LastRetry  = $NotificationSetting.SupressUntilLastRetry

    Get configuration about cloud storage account
    Get account, type and description
function Get-DCVB365StorageAccount
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Cloud storage account"

    #Azure storage account
    $AzureAccount = Get-VBOAzureBlobAccount
    foreach ($account in $AzureAccount)
            Account = $Account.Name
            Type = "Azure Blob"
            Description = $Account.Description

    #Amazon storage account
    $AmazonAccount = Get-VBOAmazonS3Account
    foreach ($account in $AmazonAccount)
            Account = $Account.AccessKey
            Type = "Amazon S3"
            Description = $Account.Description
    #S3 compatible storage account
    $S3Compatible = Get-VBOAmazonS3CompatibleAccount
    foreach ($account in $S3Compatible)
            Account = $Account.AccessKey
            Type = "Amazon S3"
            Description = $Account.Description

    Get configuration about cloud storage account
    Get account, type and description
function Get-DCVB365EncryptionKey
    Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Encryption key"

    $EncryptionKey = Get-VBOEncryptionKey

    foreach ($obj in $EncryptionKey)
        $repository = Get-VBORepository | Where-Object {$_.ObjectStorageEncryptionKey.ID.Guid -eq $obj.Id.Guid}
            Repository = $repository.Name
            Description = $obj.Description

    Get configuration about Teams Graph API state on VBM365 and proxy
    Get Teams graph API state enabled or disabled on all proxies and Veeam 365 server
 function Get-DCVB365TeamsGraphAPIState
     Write-host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Teams graph api state"
     #VBM365 server
         Server        = $env:COMPUTERNAME 
         TeamsGraphApi = (Get-VBOServer).IsTeamsGraphAPIBackupEnabled
     $Proxy = Get-VBOProxy 
     foreach ($obj in $Proxy)
         If ($obj.Hostname -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME)
                 Server = $obj.Hostname
                 TeamsGraphApi = $obj.IsTeamsGraphAPIBackupEnabled


   Generate HTML report
   Use all variable to build html report with CSS style 
   Get-HTMLReport -Path "C:\temp\report.html"

Function Get-HTMLReport

        #HTML file path

    Write-Host "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") - VBM365 Building HTML"
    #region HTML
    # chrisdent: STYLE: In the code below `CreateArray` is something of a misleading function name.
    # chrisdent: ENHANCEMENT: Perhaps consider using a string builder.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  "">
    <html xmlns="">

    <h1>VEEAM Backup for Microsoft 365 Report</h1>

    <h3> Summary </h3>

    <h3> License </h3>

    <h3> SMTP </h3>

    <h3> Notification </h3>

    <h3> Web Proxy </h3>

    <h3> REST API </h3>

    <h3> Restore portal </h3>

    <h3> Restore operator authentication </h3>

    <h3> Repository </h3>

    <h3> Object Repository </h3>

    <h3> Organisation </h3>

    <h3> Proxy </h3>

    <h3>Backup job</h3>

    <h3> Backup copy job </h3>

    <h3> Restore operators </h3>

    <h3> Cloud storage account </h3>

    <h3> Encryption key </h3>

    <h3> Teams graph API state </h3>

"@ | Out-File -FilePath $HTMLReportPath

    Invoke-Item $HTMLReportPath


#Write here all function that need to be displayed in all reports types

$DCVB365Summary                   = Get-DCVB365Summary | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Organization              = Get-DCVB365Organization | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365BackupJob                 = (Get-DCVB365BackupJob | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment).replace(";","<br>")
$DCVB365Proxy                     = Get-DCVB365Proxy | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Repository                = Get-DCVB365Repository | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365License                   = Get-DCVB365License | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365RestoreOperator           = Get-DCVB365RestoreOperator | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365RestAPI                   = Get-DCVB365RestAPI  | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365RestorePortal             = Get-DCVB365RestorePortal | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365OperatorAuthentication    = Get-DCVB365OperatorAuthentication | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365InternetProxy             = Get-DCVB365InternetProxy | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365SMTP                      = Get-DCVB365SMTP | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365Notification              = Get-DCVB365Notification | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365ObjectRepository          = Get-DCVB365ObjectRepository | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365BackupCopyJob             = Get-DCVB365BackupCopyJob | Sort-object Name | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365StorageAccount            = Get-DCVB365StorageAccount | Sort-object Type | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365EncryptionKey             = Get-DCVB365EncryptionKey | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
$DCVB365TeamsGraphAPIState        = Get-DCVB365TeamsGraphAPIState | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment

#Create HTML Report.
Get-HTMLReport -Path $HTMLReportPath

Service Provider
Posts: 38
Liked: 5 times
Joined: Nov 30, 2020 12:48 pm
Full Name: Daniel Gram Knudsen

Re: Veeam 365 v7 audit script

Post by Dagr »

SasoB wrote: Aug 21, 2023 5:41 am I didn't investigate right now, but Get-VBOVersion in Powershell works only if called directly from VBM 356 toolkit.
Can confirm this behaviour :cry:

Actually while researching if this was a known issue, I stumbled upon this post.
Anyone knowing if this is going to be fixed sometime?
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