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veeam service account user has to be admin

Post by mcz »


We use a network share as repository for our office 365 backup. For security reasons, I have only granted one user access to this repository but you cannot set username and password within the veeam ui for the repository at the moment (hope it will come soon). So you have to run the veeam service with the account that has access to the repository.

After trying for some time I found out that this account has to be an local admin, otherwise I get the following error within Veeam.Archiver.Service-Log:

Code: Select all

18.04.2017 16:40:46    4 (11608)   Initializing ESE instance...
18.04.2017 16:41:57    4 (11608) Error: JetError -1032, JET_errFileAccessDenied, Cannot access file, the file is locked or in use
18.04.2017 16:41:57    4 (11608) Stack:
18.04.2017 16:41:57    4 (11608)    bei Veeam.Jet.Context.chk(Int32 jetRes)
   bei Veeam.Jet.Instance.Init()
   bei Veeam.Jet.Engine.Context.InitInstance(Boolean replayMissingDB, Boolean ignoreMissingLog, Action`1 progress)
   bei Veeam.Jet.Engine.Context.InitInstance(InstanceSpec spec, Action`1 progress)
   bei Veeam.Jet.Engine.Abstracts.DatabaseContextProvider.InitContext(InstanceSpec spec)
   bei Veeam.Jet.Engine.Abstracts.DatabaseContextProvider.Open(String path, String logs, Boolean enableCircularLogs, Boolean cleanLogs, Boolean& logsClean)
   bei Veeam.Archiver.Controller.Database.Core.ArchiverConfigDatabase..ctor(DatabaseContextProvider contextProvider)
   bei Veeam.Archiver.Controller.Database.Core.ArchiverDatabaseManager.<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<CreateInstance>b__0()
   bei Veeam.Core.Utility.Disposable.Create[T](Func`1 constructor, Action`1 initialize)
   bei Veeam.Archiver.Service.ArchiverService.OnStart(String[] args)
18.04.2017 16:41:57    1 (6016) Service stopped
Is it wanted that veeam service runs with admin-privileges? I mean you try to only grant admin-access when its needed but do you really need admin-access for 365 backup?

Thanks for responding!
Mike Resseler
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Re: veeam service account user has to be admin

Post by Mike Resseler »

Hi Michael,

I believe at this moment we need that access. Don't forget we are not just writing data there. We are talking about an active database that holds the data that needs to be updated, modified and so on.
That said, I do understand your concern around admin rights. But I cannot make any promises yet if that will change, exactly because the repository does not hold passive files, but is an active component

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