I'm studying the best practices to use DataDomain as backup target (usually primary, I know this is not a bp itself, but cannot change previous architectures).
First doubt/question: in the bp site I've found this sentence, which is really obscure for me (sorry)
https://bp.veeam.com/vbr/3_Build_struct ... omain.html
"To reduce bottlenecks, increase performance and achieve the maximum parallelism it’s recommended to have all the proxies writing to different repositories that will be grouped in a single Scale-out Backup Repository: this will reduce management overhead and keep the solution simple and scalable."
Second doubt, in the kb with the bp for dedupe appliances https://www.veeam.com/kb1745
I see this:
"Storage optimization: Local target (large blocks)
Use this option for any general deduplication storage / HPE StoreOnce Catalyst / Dell EMC DataDomain DDboost / Quantum DXi. "
but (if I'm not wrong... I don't have a DD in my home lab and cannot reproduce at the momen) when I set a backup Job with a DDboost as target, it automatically change (see also https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=120) the setting to 4 MB.
Could someone help me with my doubts? Thanks in advance