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a couple of doubts on documentation and best practices for Data Domain

Post by tinto1970 »

good day all,

I'm studying the best practices to use DataDomain as backup target (usually primary, I know this is not a bp itself, but cannot change previous architectures).

First doubt/question: in the bp site I've found this sentence, which is really obscure for me (sorry) ... omain.html

"To reduce bottlenecks, increase performance and achieve the maximum parallelism it’s recommended to have all the proxies writing to different repositories that will be grouped in a single Scale-out Backup Repository: this will reduce management overhead and keep the solution simple and scalable."

Second doubt, in the kb with the bp for dedupe appliances
I see this:

"Storage optimization: Local target (large blocks)
Use this option for any general deduplication storage / HPE StoreOnce Catalyst / Dell EMC DataDomain DDboost / Quantum DXi. "

but (if I'm not wrong... I don't have a DD in my home lab and cannot reproduce at the momen) when I set a backup Job with a DDboost as target, it automatically change (see also ... ml?ver=120) the setting to 4 MB.

Could someone help me with my doubts? Thanks in advance :-)
Alessandro aka Tinto | VMCE 2024 | Veeam Legend | VCP-DCV 2023 | VVSPHT2023 | vExpert 2024
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Re: a couple of doubts on documentation and best practices for Data Domain

Post by foggy »

Hi Alessandro, regarding the first statement, maybe it is written in a bit confusing manner, but the point behind it is to have different proxies writing to different repositories, to achieve maximum parallelism (and hence, backup target performance). As for the second doubt, I don't see any confusion here as the 'Local target (large blocks)' option is exactly the one using a 4MB block size. Thanks!
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