Veeam 12.3 added an element called Veeam Threat Hunter.
This is now available for Scan Backup, Secure Restore, and Sure Backup. ... ml?ver=120
I am very interested in this feature.

Therefore, I have a few questions.
I understand that Veeam Threat Hunter has the ability to perform ature based scans in place of 3rd party software.
How fast does it complete the scan compared to 3rd party software?
Are there any resources that should be added to the mount server in order to use Veeam Threat Hunter?
For example, should we add CPU or memory, files generated by the scan, or any other factors to consider?
For example, the documentation mentioned CPU utilization, memory, and size of ransomware data retention for inline scans. ... ml?ver=120
I have a question about how Veeam Threat Hunter works. ... ml?ver=120
The above document says that Veeam Threat Hunter performs a scan after the backup data is mounted to the mount server.
Am I correct in understanding that polymorphic malware can be detected by performing heuristic analysis on backup data that has been mounted and made read-only?
Kind Regards,