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Actual Storage Used on ReFS

Post by svallance »

So, backing up to an ReFS formatted storage allows for fast cloning and spaceless synthetic fulls. We have a couple backups running to the same repository and are seeing great benefits to the actual stored size vs. what windows is reporting the file sizes are. For example a backup job pointing to a ReFS volume with a 2TB full creates a synthetic full that is also 2TB, right click properties on the actual files reports they have a file size of 4TB where as right click properties on the volume they are stored on shows only ~2.15TB used. Its easy to see how much storage is saved that way for a single backup job but what about multiple backup jobs.

If we have 3 backup jobs on ReFS each with a full backup and 1 synthetic full is there a way to tell the actual storage used of the individual jobs? With NTFS deduplication we could use the "get-dedupmetadata" to find the dedupe size/how much storage would be freed up if the files were deleted. Is there something similar with Windows 2016 ReFS?
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Re: Actual Storage Used on ReFS

Post by jdavidson_waters » 1 person likes this post

Unfortunately there's no way to get this information in the current release of Server 2016/ReFS.
Hopefully Microsoft will address this soon.
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