I have a DataDomain 3300 with OS and Veeam 9.5 with Update 4. When trying to add a deduplication device I instantly receive an error saying Invalid user credentials. This user is assigned a backup operator role on DataDomain and is enabled for DDboost. Username works to login to DataDomain SSH and web console. I went through the logs Svc.VeeamBackup in C:\programdata\Veeam\Backup and saw this:
Code: Select all
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error Failed to check connection: storageName = 'some-ip-address', credsId = 'f4d20e7a-1532-420e-aefd-3487a7b23419', encryptionType = 'None'
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error Unable to connect to Data Domain storage some-ip-address (System.Exception)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error Server stack trace:
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyDDBoostFileCommander.CheckConnection(String storageName, String userName, String password, Int32 ddEncryptionType)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CDDBoostFileCommander.CheckConnection(String storageName, Guid credsId, EEncryptionType encryptionType)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at Veeam.Backup.Satellite.CSatelliteDDBoostFileCommanderStub.CheckConnection(String storageName, Guid credsId, EEncryptionType encryptionType)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Object[]& outArgs)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error Exception rethrown at [0]:
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at Veeam.Backup.Model.IDDBoostFileCommander.CheckConnection(String storageName, Guid credsId, EEncryptionType encryptionType)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at Veeam.Backup.Interaction.Management.CSatelliteDDBoostFileCommanderProxy.<>c__DisplayClass1a.<CheckConnection>b__19()
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at Veeam.Common.Remoting.CRetryableMethod.<>c__DisplayClass4.<DoInvoke>b__3()
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at Veeam.Common.Remoting.CRetryableMethod.DoInvoke[Ret](ActionDelegate`1 dlg)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at Veeam.Backup.Interaction.Management.CSatelliteDDBoostFileCommanderProxy.CheckConnection(String storageName, Guid credsId, EEncryptionType encryptionType)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at Veeam.Backup.Interaction.Management.CDDBoostFileCommanderServiceStub.CheckConnection(String storageName, Guid credsId, EEncryptionType encryptionType)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error Invalid user credentials. Host: [some-ip-address], User: [some-username] (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppCOMException)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error in c++: Failed to complete RPC request. Method: [DDBoostCheckConnection], In XML: [<InputArguments><Storage value="some-ip-address" /><User value="some-username" /><Password value="XXXXXXXXX" /><DDEncryptionType value="0" /></InputArguments>]
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error in c++: Failed to invoke RPC request
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error in c++: Failed to call DoRpc. CmdName: [DoSerialRpc] inParam: [<InputArguments/>].
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error in c++: Failed to call DoRpcWithBinary. Method: [DoSerialRpc], In xml: [<InputArguments/>]
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error in c++: Failed to call DoRpcWithBinary
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error in c++: Failed to do RPC call with serialized data, Strategy type: DefaultStrategy
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error in c++: Failed to call [DoSerialRpc], session id: {d7b71102-636b-4414-8ca0-0806fd60bc18}
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error in c++: Failed to call [DDBoostCheckConnection]
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRpcInvoker.Call(String methodName, CProxyInvokeInputArg inputArgs, Boolean secureCall)
[11.03.2019 15:57:13] <60> Error at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyDDBoostFileCommander.CheckConnection(String storageName, String userName, String password, Int32 ddEncryptionType)