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Advanced search: Search oddities (and bug?)

Post by DDIT »


I just installed Enterprise Manager for the first time and I had a tough time locating all the restore points for a searched file. I read the manual ... l?ver=95u4 which has a footnote mentioning Advanced search. I took that to mean a button on the menu, which I could not find. I looked everywhere, even trying a restore thinking the restore point picker might be on a later step.

I eventually found the option under the Filter button - not intuitive. I would consider filters to be about the file attributes you are searching for, with the action of restoring it to be similar to other VBR restore menus, where you pick a restore point at some stage.

Regardless, one of the reasons why I had a hard time seeing restore points of a file, is because they didn't appear! This, I believe there is a bug in the version I'm using (9.5 update4). During a search, the progress bar would go back and forth and the results would start counting up; 0, 2, 4, 5, 6 and so on. However, when finished, only 1, or sometimes 2, files would show in the final results. I ran this about half a dozen times on Chrome (v71) and MS Edge. Only when watching the search carefully did I notice whats going on - as the search ran it would update the results pane and display some files, perhaps 2 files, and also show a status bar at the bottom. As the search progresses, and the results count increases, the status bar disappears. When finished, despite the results count showing many files, only the original 2 files results are shown. Here is an animated gif of the behaviour. (partly cut off to prevent exposing the 'machine name' column)

Lastly, please update the manual linked above to say all the advanced search options can be found under the Filter button. It might save someone else 30 minutes.

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Re: Advanced search: Search oddities (and bug?)

Post by HannesK »

Hello Michael,
thanks for bringing those issues up.

For the user guide, I'll try to find a way to make it easier to understand.

As I could not reproduce your observation, could you please create a support case and upload the logfiles for further investigation? And please share the ticket number here.

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Re: Advanced search: Search oddities (and bug?)

Post by DDIT »

Just done. #03415321
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