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Amazon Storage Gateway

Post by mmonroe »

Hello to All,

Has anyone tried the new Amazon appliance with ISCSI shares to a Veeam server for Amazon S3 backups of the data?

A bit about the process is discussed here: ... 2012-02-01

We currently back up our Veeam server to tape, however, that process and system needs to be updated/replaced. I am considering using the Amazon process to replace it. I figure that someone has tried it and could offer some imput on the process.

Any thoughts and ideas are appreciated,]

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Re: Amazon Storage Gateway

Post by markersystems »


I've been using the beta of Amazon Storage Gateway for a month in testing.

It's good, but not 100% prime time ready. It doesn't support static IP yet (DHCP only) and a few other minor issues like not being able to set your own encryption key, set a snapshot retention rule, setup more than one user for access, no user permission controls etc.... I've had some issues getting CHAP working correctly, but I have found Amazon's product manager to be available and eager to get feedback and to work on issues.I think it has a lot of promise for us to eliminate daily offsite backups from being a manual process. It cannot however handle the 3TB of weekly backups we produce given our bandwidth limitations.

We are backing up 6 VMs nightly for testing ~60g deduplicated over 10Mb - throttling does work correctly. Takes about 3 hours for the incremental change at 7Mb. I've done both forward and reverse incremental backups with Veeam and they both work great to AWS. I've found consistent upload speeds to both east and west coast S3 locations.

Anyone else using this that can share their experience?

Nick Soda
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Re: Amazon Storage Gateway

Post by brianh »

I just began testing Amazon S3 in conjunction with TwinStrata CloudArray today. TwinStrata gives you a little more control than Amazon alone. Initial tests look promising.

There is some more discussion on this here:
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