More than one replicas:
Is possible to have two (or more) replication job that replicate the same VM to different destination?
- Is possible to use CBT on all job? (only on one job? or nothing at all?)
Replica and Backup:
Is possible to start a backup job from a replica job? (using the command line in "advanced" tab)
- Is possible to set a "loop" of Veeam jobs? (the first job start the second job and the second job start the first, using command line in the "advanced" tab or whatelse)
- Is possible to backup a replicated VM if the replication job are still running (ex: the replication job is scheduled to "continous")
- Is possible to replicate a replicated VM if the replication job are still running?
- Is possible to use CBT in this cases?
BigGeorge wrote:Is possible to start a backup job from a replica job? (using the command line in "advanced" tab)
- Is possible to set a "loop" of Veeam jobs? (the first job start the second job and the second job start the first, using command line in the "advanced" tab or whatelse)