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backup and replication at the same time

Post by lohelle »

One question:
If I backup AND replicate the same VM's, will both be able to use changed block tracking? Or will "tracking" be off and the next job will need to read the entire vmdk's again?
Vitaliy S.
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Re: backup and replication at the same time

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hello Lars,

Probably I got you wrong, but, unfortunately, performing multiple jobs at the same time with the same VM is not supported (relates to backup and replica jobs). However, if you've configured backups and replicas for a particluar VM at different time frames, the entire vmdk file will be reread at each job run, on the other hand if you're talking about change block tracking feature that is coming with vSphere (see requirements for that feature: Setting Up Changed Block Tracking ), Veeam Backup and Replication 4 will get that information from VMware, and there will be no need in re-reading the enitre VMDK file.

Thank you.
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Re: backup and replication at the same time

Post by lohelle »

What I was wondering is if veam backup 4 + esx4 with changed block tracking will use changed block tracking on both jobs (same VM, but different time).

What I'm asking is basicly: Can two different jobs share the same changed block trancing "database" for the VM ?

I was thinking about somethink like this:

1: Backup of dc01 to local storage (on Veeam server)
2: Replcate dc01 to local storage on different ESX host
3: Backup of dc01 to local storage (hopefully only changed blocks, but unsure if the replication job at 2: will "disturbe" the changed block tracking process)
4: Replicate dc01 to local storage on different (same as last time) ESX host (and hopefully only changed blocks since last replication). But again unsure if the backup at 3: made veeam have to read all the VMDK again.
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Re: backup and replication at the same time

Post by Gostev »

lohelle wrote:What I'm asking is basicly: Can two different jobs share the same changed block tracking "database" for the VM?
Yes, most definitely. Any amount of jobs can.
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Re: backup and replication at the same time

Post by lohelle »

what would be perfect then was to run backup to the veeam server AND also replicate to the other esx host in ONE operation.. :)
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