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Backup Copy Error: "The disk structure is corrupted..."

Post by imiddleton »

I recently upgraded our VCenter server from 5.5 to 6.5. VCenter and Veeam are installed on the same VM.

Before upgrading, I disabled replication jobs that were scheduled to run throughout the day. I forgot to disable the backup copy job, so I am assuming that is what started this. All other backup and replication jobs are still working correctly.

Since the upgrade my backup copy job that backs up to a QNAP NAS over an iSCSI mounted drive has been failing with the follwing message in the Veeam Console:

"Failed to preprocess target Error: The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable."

Here are the relevant lines from the job logs:

Code: Select all

Failed to call RPC function 'FcRenameFile': The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable. Failed to rename file from [V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm_1_tmp] to [V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm].. InParams: '<InputArguments><OldFilePath value="V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm_1_tmp" /><NewFilePath value="V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm" /></InputArguments>'. 
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error    The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable.
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error    Failed to rename file from [V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm_1_tmp] to [V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm].
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error    --tr:Error code: 0x00000571
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error    --tr:FC: Failed to rename file from [V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm_1_tmp] to [V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm].
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error    --tr:Failed to call DoRpc. CmdName: [FcRenameFile]. (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       at VeeamProxyClient.GenerateComException(basic_string<char\,std::char_traits<char>\,std::allocator<char> >* excMsg, Int32 errHrCode)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       at VeeamProxyClient.RegenerateCLRException(exception* excBase)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       at VeeamProxyClient.CCliProxyRpcInvoker.DoRpc(String cmdName, String inXml, String& outXml)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRpcInvoker.Call(String methodName, CProxyInvokeInputArg inputArgs, Boolean secureCall)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error    Exception during meta save process for 'V:|Backups|GFS Offsite Backups|GFS Offsite Backups.vbm'
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error    Failed to save backup meta to 'V:|Backups|GFS Offsite Backups|GFS Offsite Backups.vbm' (System.Exception)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       at Veeam.Backup.Core.CBackupMetaFile.Save(CBlobData content)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       at Veeam.Backup.Core.CBackupMetaEx.<>c__DisplayClass6.<SavePregenerated>b__5(Tuple`2 tuple)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error    [] Failed to rename file [V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm_1_tmp] to [V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm]. Host: (System.Exception)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyFileCommander.RenameFile(String oldFilePath, String newFilePath)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       at Veeam.Backup.Core.CRemoteWinFileCommander.RenameFile(String oldPath, String newFileName)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       at Veeam.Backup.Model.CFileCommanderPathHelper.RenameFile(IFileCommander fileCommander, CFullPath path, CFileName fileName)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       at Veeam.Backup.Core.CBackupMetaFile.Save(CBlobData content)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error    The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable. (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppCOMException)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error    Failed to rename file from [V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm_1_tmp] to [V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm]. (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       in c++: Error code: 0x00000571
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       in c++: FC: Failed to rename file from [V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm_1_tmp] to [V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups\GFS Offsite Backups.vbm].
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       in c++: Failed to call DoRpc. CmdName: [FcRenameFile].
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRpcInvoker.Call(String methodName, CProxyInvokeInputArg inputArgs, Boolean secureCall)
[04.08.2017 10:06:16] <07> Error       at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyFileCommander.RenameFile(String oldFilePath, String newFilePath)
Looking at the V:\Backups\GFS Offsite Backups folder, I do not see the file GFS Offsite Backups.vbm_1_tmp. GFS Offsite Backups.vbm does exist and I am able to open and read the file.

Is there something I can do to correct this other than an active full backup which takes about 6 days to complete (4.2TB)?

I have not yet opened a ticket because the vendor we purchased our license from set up a Veeam account and our login does not allow me to create a ticket. I am currently in to process of getting them to correct that so I can submit a formal ticket.

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Re: Backup Copy Error: "The disk structure is corrupted..."

Post by foggy »

vCenter server upgrade could hardly affect this, but anyway you'd better open a case with technical support to investigate.
Amily Kassia
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Re: Backup Copy Error: "The disk structure is corrupted..."

Post by Amily Kassia »

Hello, you can reinstall the hard drive or run disk check to solve the issue, here are the steps:
Step1: Launch file explorer and search for the corrupted disk, then select “Properties” from the context.
Step2: Click on Tools tab, followed by a click on the “Check” button located below Error Checking. Applying this option will look for system errors in the drive/disk.
Hope that way can help you, and you should backup all your data in advance.
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