Hi DGrinev,
thank you for you reply. Nevertheless, it got even more confused in some points. For the sake of clarity in the remainder of this thread, I try to give some definitions. Please feel free to correct it, if necessary.
- Restore Point (RP): A RP captures the state of one VM at a specific point in time.
- Timestamp of RP: Each RP has a Timestamp, defining the point in time, when the VM-snapshot was made by the hypervisor.
- Backup-File: A Backup-File (e.g. VBK/VIB) is created by one BJ/BCJ and may contain (as long as "per-VM mode" is disabled) the (delta) states of several VMs, each having a (slightly) different timestamp.
Note: In the following, my general setting is a daily BJ with a daily BCJ copying the backup data offsite and a GFS rentention policy for the offsite backups.
1.) My
first problem is the synchronization of a daily (!) BJ with a daily (!) BCJ so that the backup is copied immediately (or with a short delay) after its creation. Note: This first question is quite similar to
veeam-backup-replication-f2/start-backu ... 45821.html that has also some open questions.
Example: The BJ is scheduled for 6 pm (daily) and contains VM0-VM5. Let's say, the RP's timestamps are 6:00 pm for VM0, 6:10 pm for VM1 up to 6:50 pm for VM5 each day. The BJ is already running for several days. Now,
on Saturday 6:16 pm I add a BCJ (Interval starting daily at 6:15 pm). Based on the documentation, I would expect the BCJ to copy the Saturday RP of VM0 and VM1 (as they already exist at 6:16 pm) and the Friday RP of all other VMs (as they are available and have not been copied yet) into one and the same VBK/VIB-file at the target repo. As it is
a daily BCJ for a daily BJ, this system could potentially continue
forever and one backup file at the target repository always contains VMs from different days. Did I get it right?
foggy suggested to let the interval of the BCJ start
some minutes after the BJ. If I got it right, this is not a good idea, is it? How would you solve it? BackupCopyLookForward-Flag? Another Scheduling-option? Or does it all work well, if I create the BCJ at 1pm (copying Friday's RPs immediately so that the next BCJ interval will wait for the BJ?
2.) My
second problem is the GFS retention policy for BCJs and the selection of restore points. In your documentation, you (Veeam) usually mix Backup Files and their creation day (e.g. "the Saturday VIB") with restore points ("the state of Saturday"). If my thoughts at 1.) are correct (and the "per VM mode" is not enabled), one Backup File (VBK/VIB) at the target repository could contain VMs of several days. From your last answer
DGrinev wrote:By specifying the exact time you determine that state of the VMs in weekly restore point shouldn't be earlier than 5 p.m. of Sunday.
I conclude that the GFS scheme refers to the RP timestamp of a VM and not to the BCJ interval or the time when BCJ runs and creates the VBK/VIB at the target repository. Assuming one VBK (with some VIBs in the chain) contains Saturday state of VM0/1 and Friday state of VM2-5 and I scheduled the Monthlies to "first Saturday". What will Veeam do when creating the monthly?
3.) My
third problem is the specification of the exact time of the weeklies in GFS scheme.
DGrinev wrote:By specifying the exact time you determine that state of the VMs in weekly restore point shouldn't be earlier than 5 p.m. of Sunday.
What happens, if the BJ runs daily at 3 p.m. Then, following your words, there is no RP on Sunday
after 5 p.m.. Which restore point will be then be taken for weekly backup? The next one from Monday 3pm? From my point of view this would be very scary as the monthlies and quarterlies (for instance: scheduled for Sunday) do
not care about time: So we would archive the Sunday 3pm state for monthlies/quarterlies and the Monday state for weeklies. I don't think that Veeam works this way. Could it be that the exact time is only relevant if the BCJ interval is
less than one day?
Thanks for your answer and sorry for my numerous questions. But I have to design a backup schedule for several independent parties/sites and I want to be sure that it will work before publishing it...
Best regards