I thought I would log this issue here as I continue to go around in circles with support and this issue is treated lightly each time I log it!
The current case is #01680532. There was another case which the support engineer spent some time investigating, but I can't find it in my account, case #01156232.
A quick summary of the issue,
We have the following daily backup job running,
- - Forward Incremental - Forever
- 28 Day Retention
- Huawei N2000 Repositories ( 4 x1GB NICS - Windows 2012 / Veeam Transport)
- Compress / Inline Dedupe Enabled
- - 7 Day Retention
- 5 Weeklys
- 3 Monthlys
- Quantum DXi4700 Repository (3x1GB NICS - SMB / CIFS)
- Compress / Inline Dedupe Disabled
- Error: File does not exist. File: [\\\V1-FLE-PStQRep01\V1-PP-BB-Copy_1\V1-PP-BB-Copy_12016-01-19T000000.vbk]. Agent failed to process method {Stg.OpenRead}. All tasks have already been processed
A couple of other times this was due to Windows updates and an unexpected reboot. The last two times this has occurred, there were no interruptions.
We have completed the following under different directions / cases,
- - Upgrade from Update 2 to 2b (Error at the time: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process Failed to rename file[/color])
Starting v8 Update 2, target data mover agent caches metadata from backup files and keeps backup copy job chain opened for this purpose. This was done to improve performance of storages that are not capable of high random I/O. If you're satisfied with the backup copy performance, you can disable caching by setting the AgentReadOnlyCache registry value 0 (this, however, will affect all your jobs) or 2 (this will affect only those jobs that have inline deduplication turned off).
- - Increase the SessTimeout to 300 seconds (\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters\SessTimeout)
Anyone's experiences or thoughts around this would be appreciated!