Case #02405951
A customer's Backup Copy to Cloud job has failed suddenly, error message:
Code: Select all
[i]30/11/2017 15:16:36 :: Error: Item [PCNZDC01-flat.vmdk] either was not backed up successfully or restore chain is corrupted.
Failed to download disk.
Reconnectable protocol device was closed.
Failed to upload disk.
Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}.[/i]
I renamed .VBM at cloud storage, scanned cloud repository then named it back, scanned again, and finally re-mapped it in Backup Copy job but it did not fix the problem.
Now, under Backup & Replication->Backups->Cloud, if I expand backup copy job, it shows 3 of the same VM for each VM:
VMs with more than 100 restore points only have incremental images, VMs with only 1 or 3 restore points are full backup .VBK only and they should be in 1 chain not seperated...
VMs with 0 restore points are newly generated after I re-mapped it.
i have never seen an error like this before, it must be something wrong with SQl or meta.
Any way to fix this without an Active Full? This customer's bandwidth and data cap are limited so Active Full is pretty much impossible.