Suddenly backing up has failed to work:
Code: Select all
Created by Veeam Backup
10/11/2010 2:21:19 AM
Backup: vcenter2 (Retry)
Created at: 8/31/2010 4:33:44 PM Created by: VEEAM1\root
Session Details
Status Error Start time 10/11/2010 2:20:58 AM Details
Checking backup version Failed to wait mutex timeout 20 sec exceeded
Total VMs 0 End time 10/11/2010 2:21:18 AM
Processed VMs 0 Duration 0:00:20
Successful VMs 0 Total size 0.00 KB
Failed VMs 0 Processed size 0.00 KB
VMs in progress 0 Processing rate 0 KB/s
Processed Objects
VM name Status Start time End time Total files Processed files Total size Processed size Processing rate Duration Details
I dig through logs and found nothing useful for me:
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[12.10.2010 11:23:35] <01> Info Starting job "vcenter2". See log file at "C:\Documents and Settings\root\Local Settings\Application Data\Veeam\Backup\Job_vcenter2.log"
[12.10.2010 11:23:35] <01> Info Log has been started by VEEAM1\root user (Non-interactive)
[12.10.2010 11:23:35] <01> Info Logging level is 4
[12.10.2010 11:23:35] <01> Info Module: C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and FastSCP\Veeam.Backup.Manager.exe version:
[12.10.2010 11:23:35] <01> Info OS: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info CPU: Intel Pentium III Xeon processor
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info Memory: 256.00 MB
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info Network: Local Area Connection, AMD PCNET Family PCI Ethernet Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport, Ethernet, Up; Unicast IPs:; Gateway IPs:;
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info Network: MS TCP Loopback interface, MS TCP Loopback interface, Loopback, Up; Unicast IPs:;
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info --------------------------------------------------
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info Creating job session, jobID {46f4f1c5-a0bd-411d-90ed-c64ecf497cf1}, jobName "vcenter2"
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info Job session {b8d9ea98-e316-411e-96fe-2c65f2deec8c} has been created
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info Job options: jobType "NET Backup", <BackupJobOptions xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><NetBackupOnVcbFailure>false</NetBackupOnVcbFailure><CompressionLevel>6</CompressionLevel><RunManually>false</RunManually><FullBackupDays /><MaxAmountOfDiffBackups>0</MaxAmountOfDiffBackups><PostCommand><Days /></PostCommand><VDDKMode>san;nbd</VDDKMode><Templates>true</Templates></BackupJobOptions>
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info Job VSS options: <CVssOptions xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><Credentials><Password>AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAAv23QvUMV+UOpH1SWPYoTdwQAAAACAAAAAAADZgAAqAAAABAAAADnghjAsvNr1j9Y9q4xYpOfAAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAAN1L0ylLqyzp3pD0UuIVR7oIAAAAvYWR+asNXpYUAAAAyeCmLcqHKR0QBNLDch3kl62p6cI=</Password></Credentials><IgnoreErrors>false</IgnoreErrors></CVssOptions>
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info Retry mode: False
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info Job operation: Checking backup version
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info Backup version 1, current supported version 1
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info Target host: name '', info 'Linux Host', apiVersion 'Linux Host'
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info Creating file commander for the host "" (allowNfc: True)
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info [Ssh] Creating new connection ''.
[12.10.2010 11:23:36] <01> Info [Ssh] logon, host "", port 22, user "fc2", elevation to root "yes", autoSudo yes
[12.10.2010 11:23:37] <01> Info [Ssh] Server ( version string: "SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_5.3"
[12.10.2010 11:23:57] <01> Error Failed to wait mutex timeout 20 sec exceeded at Veeam.Backup.Common.MachineMutex.Init(String subSys, String name, Boolean waitForRelease, Int32 waitSec)
[12.10.2010 11:23:57] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.Common.MachineMutex..ctor(String subSys, String name, Boolean waitForRelease, Int32 waitSec)
[12.10.2010 11:23:57] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CSshFileCommander.Initialize()
[12.10.2010 11:23:57] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CFileCommanderFactory.GetCommander_(CDBHost host, EProtocol protocol, Boolean allowNfc)
[12.10.2010 11:23:57] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CFileCommanderFactory.GetCommander(CDBHost host, Boolean allowNfc)
[12.10.2010 11:23:57] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CBackupTarget..ctor(CDBJob job, CDBSession jobSess)
[12.10.2010 11:23:57] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CTargetFactory.CreateTarget(CDBJob job, CDBSession jobSess)
[12.10.2010 11:23:57] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CBackupJob.Execute(CDBJob job, CDBSession jobSess)
[12.10.2010 11:23:57] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CJobStarter.RunSession(CDBJob job, CDBSession session)
[12.10.2010 11:23:57] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CJobStarter.Run()
[12.10.2010 11:23:57] <01> Info Job result: Failed to wait mutex timeout 20 sec exceeded
[12.10.2010 11:23:57] <01> Info Job session {b8d9ea98-e316-411e-96fe-2c65f2deec8c} has been completed, status: Failed, 0 of 0 bytes, 0 of 0 tasks, 0 successful, 0 failed, details: "Checking backup version\nFailed to wait mutex timeout 20 sec exceeded\n"
[12.10.2010 11:23:58] <01> Info Generating xml report for session {b8d9ea98-e316-411e-96fe-2c65f2deec8c}
[12.10.2010 11:23:58] <01> Info Transforming xml report to html report
[12.10.2010 11:23:58] <01> Info Sending email notification, server "", port 25, timeout 100000
[12.10.2010 11:23:59] <01> Info Job has been stopped
[12.10.2010 11:23:59] <01> Info [Soap] Clearing cache.
[12.10.2010 11:23:59] <01> Info [Soap] Cache is empty.
[12.10.2010 11:23:59] <01> Info [Ssh] Clearing connection cache
[12.10.2010 11:23:59] <01> Info Removing from cache
[12.10.2010 11:23:59] <01> Info Disconnecting from
[12.10.2010 11:23:59] <01> Info [Ssh] Connection cache cleared
[12.10.2010 11:23:59] <01> Info VeeamBackup Manager has stopped
linux host is not even loaded and i can log on it without any problems:
Code: Select all
:~# ssh
Warning: Permanently added 'backup5' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Last login: Tue Oct 12 20:00:01 2010 from
Linux #3 SMP Sat Jul 3 00:30:17 JST 2010 x86_64
To access official Ubuntu documentation, please visit:
root@backup5:~# w
20:03:32 up 44 days, 5:51, 2 users, load average: 1.74, 1.28, 1.17
root pts/0 20:03 0.00s 0.00s 0.00s w