i have some problems with a backup job.
what i have is:
one domain on site a
8 vm's on vmware 5.5
backup proxy and repository on this site
veeam b&r 8.x installed on a physikal host
one server on site b (no domain)
veeam b&r 8.x installed on a physikal host
backup proxy and repository as well as a tape drive ist installed there.
i create now a backup job on site b, in this job i want to backup all vm's and store them on a repository on site a. also create a second job on site b which should copy the backup to site b.
but this isnt working. i got the error:
Error: Channel Error: Connection Reset
when i change the backup job to the backup repository on site b the job will run.
i opened a case online, but didnt get a solution until now
Case: 00742562
log files:
Code: Select all
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <01> Info [192.168.40.XXX] Trying to connect to proxy service. Account: 'domain\administrator'. IP addresses: '192.168.40.XXX'. Port: '6162'. Backup console version: ''.
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <76> Info Connecting to RPC port '6162', host '192.168.40.XXX', service 'VeeamRpcInvoker', secure channel: 'true' .
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <01> Info [192.168.40.XXX] Connection to the proxy service is established. Endpoint: '192.168.40.XXX:6162'
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <01> Info Rescan component's versions on proxy '192.168.40.XXX'.
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <01> Info [192.168.40.XXX] Trying to connect to Installer service. Account: 'domain\administrator'. IP addresses: '192.168.40.XXX'. Port: '6160'.
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <76> Info VD: Set account. User name: [domain\administrator]
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <01> Info [192.168.40.XXX] Trying to connect to Installer service on 192.168.40.XXX:6160.
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <76> Info VD: Set end point. Host: [192.168.40.XXX], Port: [6160]
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <76> Info VD: Set RPC timeout. Request timeout: [3600] sec.
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <76> Info Connecting to the remote instance of deployment service
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <76> Info Connecting to RPC port '6160', host '192.168.40.XXX', service 'VeeamDeploymentSvc', secure channel: 'false' .
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <01> Info [192.168.40.XXX] Checking whether remote Installer service is available.
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <76> Info Getting version of the deployment service.
[09.02.2015 09:02:01] <76> Info Service version: [6]
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Info [AgentMngr] Agent has been stopped, id '48688a9b-6ef4-439b-8e60-2b9e238694ec'
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Error PrepStorageForWriteEx failed 'D:\Backup\Daily Backup Job\site-b Backup Job_neu\site-b Backup Job_neu2015-02-09T090141.vbk' (Veeam.Backup.Common.CAgentException)
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Error bei Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.CBackupClient.PrepStorageForWriteEx(String storageFilename, Int32 kbBlockSize, Int32 blockAlignmentLogarithm)
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Error bei Veeam.Backup.Core.CStorageEx.PrepareStoargeForWrite(Boolean bOptimized4DedupMedia)
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Error bei Veeam.Backup.Core.CStorageEx.PrepareForWrite(Boolean checkConsistent, Boolean bOptimize4DedupMedia)
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Error bei Veeam.Backup.Core.CFullStorageAlg.PrepareStorages(CPoint currPoint, String storageDir)
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Error bei Veeam.Backup.Core.CFullStorageAlg..ctor(CBackupJob job, CHost host, Mode mode, CBackup backup, CPoint currPoint, String storageDir, IBackupClientHolder agentHolder, IStorageAccessor
storageAccessor, CBackupSession jobSession, Boolean optimizeBlockAlign, IStorageLockService lockService)
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Error bei Veeam.Backup.Core.CFullPointAlg.CreateStorageAlg(CStorage lastStorage, String storageDir, CHost storageHost, IBackupClientHolder agentHolder, IStorageAccessor storageAccessor, Boolean
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Error bei Veeam.Backup.Core.CBackupJobTarget.PreProcess(CTasksScheduler tasksScheduler)
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Error bei Veeam.Backup.Core.CViBackupJobPerformer.ExecuteTasks(CViJobSource jobSource, CBackupJobTarget jobTarget)
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Error bei Veeam.Backup.Core.CViBackupJobPerformer.Perform()
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Error ChannelError: ConnectionReset (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Info Task session 'bd9e5da5-365b-4668-86f6-ecde43c6350f' has been completed, status: 'Failed', '0' of '0' bytes, '0' of '0' objects, details: ''
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Info Job has been stopped successfully. Name: [site-b Backup Job_neu], JobId: [dee5187e-0ee4-4f39-855d-4feea6e4a82d]
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Info [BackupJobPostActivity] JobSession 'da173605-047e-43df-9bac-a1b673888ef6' PostActivity: 'AskService'
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Info [BackupJobPostActivity] Session result is Failed. Checking if it is last retry
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Info [BackupJobPostActivity] wouldBeRetried: 'False'. Need post activity: 'True'
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Info Custom command execution (post script) disabled
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Info [JobSession] Completing session 'da173605-047e-43df-9bac-a1b673888ef6'
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Info Job session 'da173605-047e-43df-9bac-a1b673888ef6' has been completed, status: 'Failed', '0,0 KB' of '0,0 KB' bytes, '1' of '1' tasks, '0' successful, '1' failed, details: '', PointId: [072546ff-b553
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Info [BackupJobPostActivity] JobSession 'da173605-047e-43df-9bac-a1b673888ef6' PostActivity: 'AskService'
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Info [BackupJobPostActivity] Session result is Failed. Checking if it is last retry
[09.02.2015 09:02:03] <01> Info [BackupJobPostActivity] wouldBeRetried: 'False'. Need post activity: 'True'