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Backup jobs running too long, missing health checks, etc

Post by wrightad »

My backup jobs run once a night, do weekly fulls, and monthly health checks but they're going over the WAN and in a chain. When one job runs late and pushes over the midnight boundary, anything scheduled for that night later in the chain, such as a synthetic full or health check, gets missed. I don't have a lot of jobs but the network bottleneck is problematic enough that running the jobs in parallel wouldn't be ideal. I'm considering starting the jobs earlier in the day but I don't think that will resolve the issue alone - sometimes a health check or full will run 5+ hours. Any advice on getting around this would be awesome.
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Re: Backup jobs running too long, missing health checks, etc

Post by PTide »

My backup jobs run once a night, do weekly fulls, and monthly health checks but they're going over the WAN and in a chain
I'd suggest you to place primary backups on storage closer to the main site, and use Backup Copy Job to transfer backup across the WAN.

Thank you
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