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Backup monitoring

Post by Compaxo »

In Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam backup fot AHV is a possibility to monitor jobs and give notifications on different job results.
So there are notifications for a succesful ended job, as also for a job whice is ended with errors or in a warning state.

One notification is missing:
When a job starts and stuck in the running process it will be sta that way until somebody monitors the job scheduler and notice the job is running for a long time.

It should be nice is there was a notification for jobs whice stuck in unning mode or whice are not start for a long period.

In my opinion there are two ways to create this.
  1. Extra notification for jobs whice run during X time.
    Where X stands for a time period whice can be set by the backup administrators.
    Backup administrators knows the time is necassary for there backups so the can increase this time with necessary overtime to calculate X
  2. A copy backup job whice has no data changes in the configured time period can indicate a problem with the orgiginal backup job
    assuming the period a backupjob covers is create over at least one original backup the backupcopy job may never result in a empty result
    So an empty result must be categorized at least with a warning
Because of the fact there is a possibility the backup job stucks in running mode so list point 1 is necessary to create a full secure notification
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Re: Backup monitoring

Post by wishr »

Hi Compaxo,

This functionality is a part of Veeam ONE. We have two alarms allowing you to control job duration and catch issues as you explained. Look for Max allowed job duration and Unusual job duration.

The part about copy jobs should be mitigated by detecting issues in the source backup jobs - and we have many alarms and reports to help you identify such issues.

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