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- Posts: 35
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006 1:01 am
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backup of 2008 server hang
Progress screen shows:
2 of 13 files processed
Total VM size: 30.00 GB
Processed size: 2.71 KB
Avg. performance rate: 0 KB/s
Backup mode: service console agent
Start time: 2/24/2009 11:30:23 PM
Time remaining: 00:36:16
Releasing VM files
I do not see any snapshot in VI Center. I waited for half an hour but see no evidence of retries in log file. Canceling job would not cancel it I will have to kill VS Service
As I was writing this full hour after VM backup started (and may be 10 minutes (but I think less) after I attempted canceling the job it actually canceled it and I saw this in status screen:
Releasing VM files
VSSFreezer: Failed to prepare guest, wait timeout 600 sec
Operation has been terminated by user
Last entry in log file :
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info Removing from cache
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info [Soap] Logout from "ptivm-center"
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info [Soap] Skip SSL error with certificate: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch, RemoteCertificateChainErrors
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info Removing from cache
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info [Soap] Logout from "ptivm1.peacetech.com"
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info [Soap] Skip SSL error with certificate: RemoteCertificateChainErrors
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info Removing from cache
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info [Soap] Logout from "ptivm2.peacetech.com"
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info [Soap] Skip SSL error with certificate: RemoteCertificateChainErrors
[24.02.2009 23:40:58] <01> Error VSSFreezer: Failed to prepare guest, wait timeout 600 sec at AgentProvider.CVssFreezer.Freeze()
[24.02.2009 23:40:58] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CVssAutoFreezer..ctor(String vmName, VirtualMachinePowerState vmPowerState, CGuestOs vmGuestOs, CVssOptions options, CDBSessionInfo taskSess)
[24.02.2009 23:40:58] <01> Info VSSFreezer: Unfreezing
After cancel:
[25.02.2009 00:31:07] <01> Info VSSFreezer: Uninstalling agent
[25.02.2009 00:31:10] <01> Info VSSFreezer: Disconnecting
[2/25/2009 12:31:10 AM]Info Cancelling connection to the network resource [\\\ADMIN$].
[2/25/2009 12:31:10 AM]Info Cancelling connection to the network resource [\\\ADMIN$].Ok.
[25.02.2009 00:31:10] <01> Info Task result: VSSFreezer: Failed to prepare guest, wait timeout 600 sec
[25.02.2009 00:31:10] <01> Info [Soap] Outgoing connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1'.
[25.02.2009 00:31:10] <01> Info [Soap] Creating new connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1'.
[25.02.2009 00:31:10] <01> Info [Soap] Logging on to "ptivm1.peacetech.com", port 443, user "root", proxy srv: port:0
[25.02.2009 00:31:10] <01> Info [Soap] Skip SSL error with certificate: RemoteCertificateChainErrors
[25.02.2009 00:31:11] <01> Info [Soap] Host content info: host "ptivm1.peacetech.com", type "esx", version "3.5.0", build "123630", apiVersion "2.5u2", hostTime "2/25/2009 5:31:11 AM"
[25.02.2009 00:31:11] <01> Info [Soap] Create snapshot, ref "256", name "VEEAM BACKUP TEMPORARY SNAPSHOT", description "Please do not delete this snapshot. It is being used by Veeam Backup.", memory "False", quiesce "True"
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info [Soap] Loading '256:VirtualMachine' hierarchy
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info [Soap] Loaded 4 hierarchy objects from 'ptivm1.peacetech.com', 0 Datacenter(s), 1 HostSystem(s), 1 VirtualMachine(s), 1 Datastore(s), 0 ResourcePool(s).
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info [Soap] Connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1' is disposing.
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info Control has been received: Stop
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info [Soap] Outgoing connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1'.
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info [Soap] Connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1' is provided from the cache.
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info [Soap] Removing snapshot "/vmfs/volumes/47616c97-20128138-8c5c-001d091dc2a1/ptiweb/ptiweb.vmx-snapshot-219"
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info [Soap] Loading '256:VirtualMachine' hierarchy
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info [Soap] Loaded 4 hierarchy objects from 'ptivm1.peacetech.com', 0 Datacenter(s), 1 HostSystem(s), 1 VirtualMachine(s), 1 Datastore(s), 0 ResourcePool(s).
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info [Soap] Connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1' is disposing.
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Error Operation has been terminated by user at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.CheckStop()
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.BackupFiles(CDBSessionInfo taskSess, CVm vm, CDBObjectInBackup runningOIB)
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.BackupVM(CVmTask vmTask, CDBBackup currentBackup, CDBBackup previousBackup)
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info Task result: Operation has been terminated by user
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info Task session {1547079b-a127-4385-ad6c-44a23c8c9845} has been completed, status: Failed, 2,777 of 32,212,254,720 bytes, 2 of 13 objects, details: "Releasing VM files\nVSSFreezer: Failed to prepare guest, wait timeout 600 sec\n\nOperation has been terminated by user\n"
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info Disposing client from thread 1
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <09> Info (Client) Service: closed
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info Disposing client from thread 1
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <09> Info (Client) Service: closed
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <09> Info (Server) Service: closed
[25.02.2009 00:31:15] <09> Info [Ssh] Connection::IgnoreMessage, Message: x�����n��@G%�&+�t&
[25.02.2009 00:31:15] <01> Info Starting perlSoap protocol to "ptivm1.peacetech.com"
[25.02.2009 00:31:15] <01> Info Installing perlsoap library to /tmp/vee8db3cbfe-7592-410c-be7c-0028c14339a9
[25.02.2009 00:31:15] <01> Info Reading "veeam_soap.tar" from directory "D:\Veeam\VeeamBackup\"
[25.02.2009 00:31:16] <01> Info Answer to installation: :
[25.02.2009 00:31:16] <01> Info Reading sudo_bootstrap.sh from D:\Veeam\VeeamBackup\ directory
[25.02.2009 00:31:17] <09> Info [Ssh] Connection::IgnoreMessage, Message: �ެe�?�&�*�s=OL�
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Ssh] Connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:22:roytmana:True:True:1' is disposing.
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] Outgoing connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1'.
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] Connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1' is provided from the cache.
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] LogUserEvent, ref 256, type VirtualMachine, message "Source: Veeam Backup\nAction: Job "win2008"\nOperation: Stopped\nStatus: Failed\nID: 1547079b-a127-4385-ad6c-44a23c8c9845\nDescription: "
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] Connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1' is disposing.
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error Operation has been terminated by user at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.CheckStop()
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.BackupFiles(CDBSessionInfo taskSess, CVm vm, CDBObjectInBackup runningOIB)
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.BackupVM(CVmTask vmTask, CDBBackup currentBackup, CDBBackup previousBackup)
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.Backup()
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CBackupJob..ctor(CDBJob job, List`1 jobTasks, CDBSession jobSess)
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CJobStarter.RunSession(CDBJob job, CDBSession session)
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CJobStarter.Run(Guid jobId, Boolean isRetryMode)
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Job result: Operation has been terminated by user
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <09> Info PerlSoap Channel closed
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Job session {f20d675e-9336-4436-b55a-41087484aebd} has been completed, status: Failed, 66,581,331,968 of 214,748,364,800 bytes, 4 of 2 tasks, 1 successful, 1 failed, details: "Processing object "ptiweb" (2 of 4)\nOperation has been terminated by user\n"
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <09> Info PerlSoap Channel closed
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Generating xml report for session {f20d675e-9336-4436-b55a-41087484aebd}
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Transforming xml report to html report
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Sending email notification, server "ptiexchange.peacetech.com", port 25, timeout 100000
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Job has been stopped
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] Clearing cache.
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Removing from cache
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] Logout from "ptivm1.peacetech.com"
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] Cache is empty.
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Ssh] Clearing connection cache
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Removing from cache
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Disconnecting from ptivm1.peacetech.com
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Removing from cache
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Disconnecting from ptivm2.peacetech.com
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Ssh] Connection cache cleared
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info VeeamBackup Manager has been stopped
2 of 13 files processed
Total VM size: 30.00 GB
Processed size: 2.71 KB
Avg. performance rate: 0 KB/s
Backup mode: service console agent
Start time: 2/24/2009 11:30:23 PM
Time remaining: 00:36:16
Releasing VM files
I do not see any snapshot in VI Center. I waited for half an hour but see no evidence of retries in log file. Canceling job would not cancel it I will have to kill VS Service
As I was writing this full hour after VM backup started (and may be 10 minutes (but I think less) after I attempted canceling the job it actually canceled it and I saw this in status screen:
Releasing VM files
VSSFreezer: Failed to prepare guest, wait timeout 600 sec
Operation has been terminated by user
Last entry in log file :
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info Removing from cache
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info [Soap] Logout from "ptivm-center"
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info [Soap] Skip SSL error with certificate: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch, RemoteCertificateChainErrors
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info Removing from cache
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info [Soap] Logout from "ptivm1.peacetech.com"
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info [Soap] Skip SSL error with certificate: RemoteCertificateChainErrors
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info Removing from cache
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info [Soap] Logout from "ptivm2.peacetech.com"
[24.02.2009 23:36:15] <13> Info [Soap] Skip SSL error with certificate: RemoteCertificateChainErrors
[24.02.2009 23:40:58] <01> Error VSSFreezer: Failed to prepare guest, wait timeout 600 sec at AgentProvider.CVssFreezer.Freeze()
[24.02.2009 23:40:58] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CVssAutoFreezer..ctor(String vmName, VirtualMachinePowerState vmPowerState, CGuestOs vmGuestOs, CVssOptions options, CDBSessionInfo taskSess)
[24.02.2009 23:40:58] <01> Info VSSFreezer: Unfreezing
After cancel:
[25.02.2009 00:31:07] <01> Info VSSFreezer: Uninstalling agent
[25.02.2009 00:31:10] <01> Info VSSFreezer: Disconnecting
[2/25/2009 12:31:10 AM]Info Cancelling connection to the network resource [\\\ADMIN$].
[2/25/2009 12:31:10 AM]Info Cancelling connection to the network resource [\\\ADMIN$].Ok.
[25.02.2009 00:31:10] <01> Info Task result: VSSFreezer: Failed to prepare guest, wait timeout 600 sec
[25.02.2009 00:31:10] <01> Info [Soap] Outgoing connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1'.
[25.02.2009 00:31:10] <01> Info [Soap] Creating new connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1'.
[25.02.2009 00:31:10] <01> Info [Soap] Logging on to "ptivm1.peacetech.com", port 443, user "root", proxy srv: port:0
[25.02.2009 00:31:10] <01> Info [Soap] Skip SSL error with certificate: RemoteCertificateChainErrors
[25.02.2009 00:31:11] <01> Info [Soap] Host content info: host "ptivm1.peacetech.com", type "esx", version "3.5.0", build "123630", apiVersion "2.5u2", hostTime "2/25/2009 5:31:11 AM"
[25.02.2009 00:31:11] <01> Info [Soap] Create snapshot, ref "256", name "VEEAM BACKUP TEMPORARY SNAPSHOT", description "Please do not delete this snapshot. It is being used by Veeam Backup.", memory "False", quiesce "True"
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info [Soap] Loading '256:VirtualMachine' hierarchy
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info [Soap] Loaded 4 hierarchy objects from 'ptivm1.peacetech.com', 0 Datacenter(s), 1 HostSystem(s), 1 VirtualMachine(s), 1 Datastore(s), 0 ResourcePool(s).
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info [Soap] Connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1' is disposing.
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info Control has been received: Stop
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info [Soap] Outgoing connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1'.
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info [Soap] Connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1' is provided from the cache.
[25.02.2009 00:31:13] <01> Info [Soap] Removing snapshot "/vmfs/volumes/47616c97-20128138-8c5c-001d091dc2a1/ptiweb/ptiweb.vmx-snapshot-219"
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info [Soap] Loading '256:VirtualMachine' hierarchy
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info [Soap] Loaded 4 hierarchy objects from 'ptivm1.peacetech.com', 0 Datacenter(s), 1 HostSystem(s), 1 VirtualMachine(s), 1 Datastore(s), 0 ResourcePool(s).
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info [Soap] Connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1' is disposing.
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Error Operation has been terminated by user at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.CheckStop()
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.BackupFiles(CDBSessionInfo taskSess, CVm vm, CDBObjectInBackup runningOIB)
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.BackupVM(CVmTask vmTask, CDBBackup currentBackup, CDBBackup previousBackup)
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info Task result: Operation has been terminated by user
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info Task session {1547079b-a127-4385-ad6c-44a23c8c9845} has been completed, status: Failed, 2,777 of 32,212,254,720 bytes, 2 of 13 objects, details: "Releasing VM files\nVSSFreezer: Failed to prepare guest, wait timeout 600 sec\n\nOperation has been terminated by user\n"
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info Disposing client from thread 1
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <09> Info (Client) Service: closed
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <01> Info Disposing client from thread 1
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <09> Info (Client) Service: closed
[25.02.2009 00:31:14] <09> Info (Server) Service: closed
[25.02.2009 00:31:15] <09> Info [Ssh] Connection::IgnoreMessage, Message: x�����n��@G%�&+�t&
[25.02.2009 00:31:15] <01> Info Starting perlSoap protocol to "ptivm1.peacetech.com"
[25.02.2009 00:31:15] <01> Info Installing perlsoap library to /tmp/vee8db3cbfe-7592-410c-be7c-0028c14339a9
[25.02.2009 00:31:15] <01> Info Reading "veeam_soap.tar" from directory "D:\Veeam\VeeamBackup\"
[25.02.2009 00:31:16] <01> Info Answer to installation: :
[25.02.2009 00:31:16] <01> Info Reading sudo_bootstrap.sh from D:\Veeam\VeeamBackup\ directory
[25.02.2009 00:31:17] <09> Info [Ssh] Connection::IgnoreMessage, Message: �ެe�?�&�*�s=OL�
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Ssh] Connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:22:roytmana:True:True:1' is disposing.
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] Outgoing connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1'.
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] Connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1' is provided from the cache.
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] LogUserEvent, ref 256, type VirtualMachine, message "Source: Veeam Backup\nAction: Job "win2008"\nOperation: Stopped\nStatus: Failed\nID: 1547079b-a127-4385-ad6c-44a23c8c9845\nDescription: "
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] Connection 'ptivm1.peacetech.com:443:root:False::80:1' is disposing.
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error Operation has been terminated by user at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.CheckStop()
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.BackupFiles(CDBSessionInfo taskSess, CVm vm, CDBObjectInBackup runningOIB)
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.BackupVM(CVmTask vmTask, CDBBackup currentBackup, CDBBackup previousBackup)
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CBackupJob.Backup()
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CBackupJob..ctor(CDBJob job, List`1 jobTasks, CDBSession jobSess)
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CJobStarter.RunSession(CDBJob job, CDBSession session)
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Error at VeeamManager.CJobStarter.Run(Guid jobId, Boolean isRetryMode)
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Job result: Operation has been terminated by user
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <09> Info PerlSoap Channel closed
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Job session {f20d675e-9336-4436-b55a-41087484aebd} has been completed, status: Failed, 66,581,331,968 of 214,748,364,800 bytes, 4 of 2 tasks, 1 successful, 1 failed, details: "Processing object "ptiweb" (2 of 4)\nOperation has been terminated by user\n"
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <09> Info PerlSoap Channel closed
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Generating xml report for session {f20d675e-9336-4436-b55a-41087484aebd}
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Transforming xml report to html report
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Sending email notification, server "ptiexchange.peacetech.com", port 25, timeout 100000
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Job has been stopped
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] Clearing cache.
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Removing from cache
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] Logout from "ptivm1.peacetech.com"
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Soap] Cache is empty.
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Ssh] Clearing connection cache
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Removing from cache
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Disconnecting from ptivm1.peacetech.com
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Removing from cache
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info Disconnecting from ptivm2.peacetech.com
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info [Ssh] Connection cache cleared
[25.02.2009 00:31:18] <01> Info VeeamBackup Manager has been stopped
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Re: backup of 2008 server hang
Alex, please contact our support with this issue - they may need more log files including logs from the actual VM.
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Re: backup of 2008 server hang
Hello Anton,Gostev wrote:Alex, please contact our support with this issue - they may need more log files including logs from the actual VM.
Via your support web page or by email? Forgot your support email.
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Re: backup of 2008 server hang
Alex, it is support@veeam.com. Please also include link to this topic when you email there.
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Re: backup of 2008 server hang
If the user get's the incident resolved can we still put the resolution up on these forums?
It makes it a lot easier for us to search through the forums to find fixes to our issues rather than spending time going back and forward with support via e-mail...
It makes it a lot easier for us to search through the forums to find fixes to our issues rather than spending time going back and forward with support via e-mail...
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Re: backup of 2008 server hang
Hello, usually we are trying to do this. For this specific case, after suggesting possible fix 2 weeks ago, we have not heard from the customer back yet.
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Re: backup of 2008 server hang
pentana, can you please send us your logs to support@veeam.com? It would be great to resolve your issue one-on-one, and then we can most assuredly post the resolution here to help out other users that may run into the same problem.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your help!
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Re: backup of 2008 server hang
3.0.1 does not seem to have this issue any more
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