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Backup process and file copy

Post by withanh »

Right now I have two sets of backup jobs. One set does my daily back ups, the other does weekly back ups. The daily backups go to an array on my SAN, the weekly backups go to an external drive enclosure that we then take offsite.

I've read a couple of times about just taking the daily *.vbk file and copying it to the external enclosure to take offsite. I'd like to schedule that with Veeam - like have Friday's backup kick off the file copy job. My concern with this is I cannot see how to schedule a copy of 1 file. Of course the back up folders on the SAN have one .vbk and multiple .vrb files, and I only want to copy over the .vbk not the entire folder.

Is there a way to schedule a single file copy with Veeam, or is it only folder? I have searched the forum but can't find anything relevant (too many hits to effectively dig through), I also checked the Veeam documentation which says (in part) "At this step, you should select files and folders that you want to copy." however I can only select folders.


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Re: Backup process and file copy

Post by Gostev »

Hello Darhl, Veeam file copy jobs are folder only. I would use simple copy command in a BAT file, and add this BAT file as a post-job script in the backup job settings. Additionally, make the script do a simple check for the day of week to make it determine whether it should fire file copy or not when launched. Thanks!
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Re: Backup process and file copy

Post by withanh »

Bummer, but that's manageable.

Thanks Anton.
For every expert there is an equal and opposite expert - Arthur C Clarke's Fourth Law
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