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backup sizes + dedup settings v7

Post by kte »

Hello, are this sizes fixed and where shoul I calculate it on the VBK ?? how mutch bigger can we go if they are not fixed ?

Local: 16TB
Local 16TB+: 128TB
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Re: backup sizes + dedup settings v7

Post by Gostev »

In v7, these are not fixed but recommended values, and you can go as high as you like. The engine will automatically disable further deduplication (on top of deduplication based on hash table already in memory) at some point to prevent out of memory errors, the exact point will vary for each setting and whether or not you are using 64-bit OS on your backup repository.
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Re: backup sizes + dedup settings v7

Post by kte »

So if I use a 64 bit OS W2012R2 + 32 GB ram and an 8 core cpu.
I coulld go until ?
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Re: backup sizes + dedup settings v7

Post by Gostev »

You can go as high as you like no matter of OS or amount of RAM. I believe the threshold of dedupe is at least double of the recommended size for 64-bit OS. But you should not be concerned about dedupe disabling at some point for further blocks, because with a few TB worth of unique blocks in the hash table you will have a lot of material to dedupe against already - and it is unlikely that at this point you will be getting any new non-unique blocks. Just think about it: after hashing the bigger part of your VMs, and ending up with a few TB worth of unique block hashes - what is the probability that all of a sudden, you will start getting previously unobserved (in those few TB of data) and yet repeating blocks on the remaining VMs? Extremely unlikely.
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