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Backup system migration

Post by panzer »

VBR-server ServerA and repository RepoA are to be replaced with ServerB and RepoB. Is this a good way to do the migration:
1. Configuration backup on ServerA
2. Stop ServerA
3. Restore configuration on ServerB
4. Check configuration and adjust if neccessary
5. Run backup jobs and verify that they are OK
6. Use Move on ServerA to change repositories from RepoA to repoB
Veeam Software
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Re: Backup system migration

Post by haslund » 1 person likes this post

I would say you have a good plan, but I propose a slightly revisioned version:
1. Check that you are on the latest patch and if not, install it.
2. Disable all jobs/policies and way for them all to reach a stopped status
3. Create a fresh configuration backup and copy it to the new VBR server
4. Install VBR on the new VBR server and install the latest patch.
5. Perform a restore of the configuration backup on the new VBR server using 'migrate mode'
6. Create new repository on repoB
7. Re-enable all jobs/policies and run the jobs to verify all is good
8. Perform a move of all backups to repoB.
Rasmus Haslund | Twitter: @haslund | Blog:
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Full Name: Stig Hanssen

Re: Backup system migration

Post by panzer »

Thanks for the more detailed plan
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