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Full Name: Marco Bockelbrink

Backup with iSCSI SAN

Post by Bockelbrink »


we want to Backup our VM's direct from the Open-E iSCSI Storage! We have installed the iSCSI Initiator on the Windows 2003 Server and addedd the Open-E Storage. He found the devices. We don't mapped the Drive.

I testet the vStorage Api with SAN Only and the VCB (VCB installed) with SAN only and can't read the files. The Storage is open for all connections.

What do i do there wrong? Did anybody has a small whitepaper for the backup method vStorage API? Oder is VCB faster?

Thank you for help

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Re: Backup with iSCSI SAN

Post by Gostev »

Marco, I think there is an issue with that Open-E Storage. Based on the desciption, you have done everything what was needed. If you can see the LUNs in Windows Disk Management, then both vStorage API and VCB should be working fine in SAN mode without any additional settings required.
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Re: Backup with iSCSI SAN

Post by Bockelbrink »

I see the Partition with Unkown Partition in the Disc Manager.

I get the following Error with using vStorage API.

Backing up file "[open-e-master] POSIPC1/POSIPC1-flat.vmdk"
BackupDisk failed
Client error: Failed to open VDDK disk [[open-e-master] POSIPC1/POSIPC1.vmdk] ( is read-only mode - [true] )
Failed to open VMDK.
Logon attempt with parameters [VC/ESX: [POSSRVBACKUP];Port: 443;Login: [POS-TUNING\Administrator];VMX Spec: [moref=vm-804];Snapshot mor: [snapshot-867];Transports: [san]] failed because of the following errors:

Server error: End of file

Did anybody else has the error?

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Re: Backup with iSCSI SAN

Post by flfb »


I had a similar issue occur last night. I had two VM's, both were in separate backup jobs, that would not back up and the retries kept failing. I received the same error as you did. Everything looked good in Disk Management, the MS iSCI initiator showed the datastore connected, and I could manually run a snapshot from vSphere. Looking back at the original failure reports it appeared that the two separate jobs in Veeam tried to access the same datastore a couple minutes apart. This apparently this caused some type of lock on the datastore. I rebooted both VM’s and was still not able to back them up. I rebooted my backup server and retried the jobs independently and the jobs completed successfully.

I’ve been searching all morning for posts about locks on datastores but haven’t seen anything. I would definitely try rebooting your backup server and see if that clears up the issue.

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Re: Backup with iSCSI SAN

Post by rowdy »

I am still an evaluation version user, but I did see this error during my tests when I had more than 1 iSCSI 'device' connected through the Windows iSCSI initiator.
In other words: you should have only one 'unknown partition' in Windows Disk Manager. If you have more than one (or more 'uninitialized disks' or other variations on this theme), then VeeAm doesn't know which one to use, resulting in this error.
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Re: Backup with iSCSI SAN

Post by mmun »

i experienced a similar situation. I resolved this by ensuring that i had 2 paths to the SAN within the MS iscsi initator. In my case, i had 4 connections to the SAN SPs, storage Proc A (with 2 connections) and storage Proc B (with 2 connections) for fault tolerance reasons. storage proc a1 and b1 were on the same ip scope and on the same network as the 2nd NIC (connected to the san switch fabric) in the server. Once I connected to both targets (a1 and b1), rescanned for new hardware in Device Manager on the server, the disks in MS Disk Management were accessible. Backups then ran successfully.

Hope that helps.
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