We recently bought and started using Veeam. Its a great product but I am having trouble configuring the way we would like.
Our backup strategy is the following;
Veeam does the following;
Friday - take a full synthetic image of 50 VM's taking just over 500gb space
(no back ups are made Saturday or sunday)
Monday- incremental backup made using about 120gb of space
Tuesday - incremental backup made using about 120gb of space
Wednesday - incremental backup made using about 120gb of space
Thursday - incremental backup made using about 120gb of space
Friday - restart the process
Backup Exec runs in paralell to Veeam as we need to keep the Veeam images on a tape for offsite backup. We use tapes with about 800gb of space and the backup job runs at 10am each weekday.So the process looks like for Backup exec;
monday = Fridays sythentic backup only
Tuesdays = Fridays VBK plus Monday's VIB
Wednesday = Fridays VBK + VIB for Monday and Tuesday
Thursday = Fridays VBK + VIB's for Monday - Wednesday --> this is a problem it exceeds the tape size
Friday = Fridays VBK + VIB's for Monday - Thursday ---> this is a problem it exceeds the tape size
As indicated our problem is in the backup exec jobs for Thursday and Friday. When we bought Veeam we were told that it could remove unwanted VIB or VBK files. This doesn't seem to be happening at present and I am wondering if I have not configured something correctly. We need to have the VBK file for that week on the tape along with 1 or 2 VIB files depending on space.
I noticed that Veeam can run a script after a completed job. Would it be possible for someone to suggest a script that could say remoove VBK files over 5 days old and VIB files that are over 2 days old?
I know that backup exec can have exceptions depending on file access but this is not working for us because the repository for the Veeam data is 1tb in size. So even if we tell Backup Exec to ignore VBK files over 5 days old and VIB over 2 days old the problem is not resolved because the repository becomes full. We need to automate the removal of files.
Any help you can offer to a novice like me would be most welcome